


To imagine that several cellular towers were the target of arson in the UK because of this conspiracy theory.

NWF_Renim said:

To imagine that several cellular towers were the target of arson in the UK because of this conspiracy theory.

It's fucking insane.

Even here in the Netherlands, about a dozen towers have been targeted with arson. Worst part is that we are still rolling out 5G tech at the moment so several of those were just regular 4G/3G/2G towers.


This is madness. How could people believe this? A virus caused by a network sounds like something out of science fiction. Have these people gone insane?

Blindga said:

This is madness. How could people believe this? A virus caused by a network sounds like something out of science fiction. Have these people gone insane?

It’s a rehash of the belief that the electromagnetic waves from these things are making people sick. How it could transmit a virus doesn’t even really enter the equation, it’s just the new sickness they can blame on the these towers.

Blindga said:

This is madness. How could people believe this? A virus caused by a network sounds like something out of science fiction. Have these people gone insane?

When there are people who want to exploit the fear and anger of certain other groups of people you end up with stupidity like this. They're looking for a boogeymen monster to blame their problems on instead of understanding that this pandemic is an unfortunate reality of the world. Doesn't mean we can't make it better, but we also must accept the losses that come with it. And also unfortunately you'll also find people who love to make the situation worse for their own gain, even if it makes not a lick of sense to do so.

You know what's really terrible? This wouldn't be the first time something like this happened. Definitely wouldn't be the last either.

Saphyr said:

Madoka's already like, "Ummm.... about that...."

I mean, for all intensive purposes, it is about holding on to hope in the face of despair, in the sense that the world Madoka lives in clearly has worth in protecting. She made a carefully thought out wish after seeing the fact that so many magical girls see that they became a tool of logic for a little bit of ethics.

Sanic_Hegehog said:

I mean, for all intensive purposes, it is about holding on to hope in the face of despair, in the sense that the world Madoka lives in clearly has worth in protecting. She made a carefully thought out wish after seeing the fact that so many magical girls see that they became a tool of logic for a little bit of ethics.

That's the conclusion you arrive at if you look at it from a philosophical (if that's the right term) standpoint.
Objectively, they still make a deal with the devil, still spend their lives fighting a never-ending battle, still live on borrowed time that can only be extended by scarcely availible mcguffins only gained through fighting. Probably still have to ration, compete and fight each other for those mcguffins or magically starve to death. It's great that if you die you rapture into heaven(?) instead of turning into a monster but really, does it matter all that much? Dead = Dead.

Becoming a magical girl is still the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever.

Current event -- the price per barrel of oil nosedived into negative territory on 20 April 2020, dipping below (-$38) at some points during trading.