


All the furigana made it easier, but I'm still unsure on some of the translations. If someone with more experience can double check it I'd really appreciate it.

Kasumi is cute.

halseyttk said:

All the furigana made it easier, but I'm still unsure on some of the translations. If someone with more experience can double check it I'd really appreciate it.

Kasumi is cute.

Second to last panel where you put "Rather, that's what the situation is."

Pretty sure it's more like "Maybe we should ask him how he's doing for her."

She is cute.

edgex said:

Second to last panel where you put "Rather, that's what the situation is."

Pretty sure it's more like "Maybe we should ask him how he's doing for her."

She is cute.

Yeah, that's the one I was least sure about. Thanks for the help!

Keo said:

Pizza with a fork? What the fuug is this travesty?

I have eaten pizza that was so greasy that all the cheese and toppings would come off with your first bite. That was not good pizza. A fork and knife would've meant I didn't have to hold down the cheese with my fingers, though.

But yes. Proper pizza should not be eaten with a fork and knife. But this was not proper pizza.

A_Sentient_JDAM said:

I have eaten pizza that was so greasy that all the cheese and toppings would come off with your first bite.

How about one where the cheese and toppings slid partly off just driving it home?

Tapper said:

How about one where the cheese and toppings slid partly off just driving it home?

Then that's a travesty, not a pizza.