


Celebrating seventh anniversary by lewding seventh Shiratsuyu. Next year will be Yamakaze's turn, then I know Toto already made R18 doujin of her, but still

Pronak said:

We also need art of the 'cute-type' boys in the game. *Pats Greyy*

Ansel: Am I a joke to you?

Garrus said:

Ansel: Am I a joke to you?

Greyy is my favorite of the boys in AK: looks up to you, strives to do things right, has powers because he made an effort to exploit originium to help his pairs back in Venezuela Bolívar with that. He's still adorable like a puppy and his backstory is really sad, yet he's a honest and cute hardworker.

Drinking scotch in the RI bar together and its bound to have some swiveling heads at their direction

oracle135 said:


AT least this gulag is not as bad as the ones during the USSR and currently in tsina...

So what will be Iowa's punishment? She did destroy the German dorm's tatami and apparently still hasn't paid for it.

KingsleyDawson said:

Russian communist and ultranationalist were being Gulag'd by a American capitalist, how ironic. And also did Iowa gets punished for breaking German room's tatami with her superhero landing?

I mean, do we have any evidence that any of them (apart from De Ryuter) is a capitalist?

Higusan said:

So what will be Iowa's punishment? She did destroy the German dorm's tatami and apparently still hasn't paid for it.


Wait, since when did Zara own a farm? I thought she only had the rooftop gardens.

fjay69 said:

KanColle was launched on April 23, 2013.

The fact that it’s still kicking(sorta) is pretty amazing. It is thanks to Kancolle that we got a huge slew of Girl->things and it’s great.

Also, so much information and things it taught me about warships and WW2.

Ahhh...how wonderful.