


This gc is just fucked, she somehow becomes thinner (compare legs) when damaged (and longer?) and that arm is just ???.

Tomzai said:

This gc is just fucked, she somehow becomes thinner (compare legs) when damaged (and longer?) and that arm is just ???.

A big mystery why that game is keeping that guy when his artwork is terrible now.

T34/38 said:

A big mystery why that game is keeping that guy when his artwork is terrible now.

"Terrible" is a strech, but yeah, this could be better

T34/38 said:

A big mystery why that game is keeping that guy when his artwork is terrible now.

The man's a working artist, and he answers their calls when they need someone to draw another destroyer.

T34/38 said:

A big mystery why that game is keeping that guy when his artwork is terrible now.

I love Shibafu's art, but it's very inconsistent. Most of the time it's fine but then every now and then you get something like this and Mikuma's old summer CG.

Mr. potato is the founding artist(and friends of the developer) so good luck getting rid of him. He's the equivalent of Takeuchi in fate except with skills of boudica face (subpar).

ikari911 said:
Really? No one gets the reference?

A shame, I know. Though I am pleased to actually see some The Darkness fanart.


GMO said:

A shame, I know. Though I am pleased to actually see some The Darkness fanart.

What is the refrence?

bunkhead said:

Can I trade her in to get some quartz back?

Who? Ishtar or Aqua? XD