


The t-shirt creators (and in our universe, Himura Kiseki) deserve a huge raise for that clever bilingual design.

Could it be an Al Jaffee/Mad Magazine Fold-In tribute? Jaffee just retired at the age of 99.

DeusEx773 said:

I wonder, did Sopmod make SAT that doll?

I think SOP taught her the basics of Junyah crafting, as SOP Jr. is fully independent.

Kurai_Tora said:

I think SOP taught her the basics of Junyah crafting, as SOP Jr. is fully independent.


S.A.T.8 just pumped a buckshot shell full of HNNNNNNNNGGGG pellets at Ch'en.

Kikimaru said:

75'000th upload.
I'm gonna take a break.

The way you put it resonates with the picture.