


Wilfriback said:

Not even shipgirls can endure the pain of LEGO's.

do they really cause that much pain?
never got into collecting LEGO...

Henyo said:

do they really cause that much pain?
never got into collecting LEGO...

They're made of hard plastic with edges and corners that never dull. Basically, they can become caltrops.


I feel Akagi's pain, my nephews have gotten into lego, and one day I was paying any attention and walked into a room with lots of lego on the floor

even thinking about the pain makes me recoil.

Geez, what's the deal with Javelin's stone age javelin? Is she hunting big wooly boats?

It's been 5 years. Finally, finally, FINAFUCKINGLY they're doing some SSR ticket. I've waited for this day for too...way too long.

But unfortunately, I have almost everyone of the 5* servants in the game. That's the power of dedication and 5 years worth of Apologems.

Keo said:

It's been 5 years. Finally, finally, FINAFUCKINGLY they're doing some SSR ticket. I've waited for this day for too...way too long.

But unfortunately, I have almost everyone of the 5* servants in the game. That's the power of dedication and 5 years worth of Apologems.

More than anything that sounds like the power of EX-Luck, or whaling. Maybe both.

MisterJuice said:

More than anything that sounds like the power of EX-Luck, or whaling. Maybe both.

More of having time on my side. I’ve only whaled for like...maybe 3 character(Summer BB, Lostbelt Illya and Eresh) before stopping. I think I spent about...somewhere around 700$ in a total about 3-5 months? But that was when I got really into FGO(when the lostbelts came out) and when I really wanted to support the game.

Funny enough, the characters I tried to whale for I got from tickets, save for Ereshkigel(who I got two of from a pull.) She costed the most and when I finally decided I had a problem and stopped.

Every other character I got from free saint quartz and tickets. I’ve been with FGO since day one, the day when they launched then failed, and had to fire and rehire a bunch of new employees.

Keo said: [...]

Would still say luck was with you. In my case over here, starting later (one year and some), I'm pretty far from having all the SSRs. Even doubling my SSRs I wouldn't be close, so it wouldn't matter much if I had started from the beginning.

[There's 90~ of them, and I have about a fourth.]

I, hm. I am happy, but I do dread what will happen with the game now that it's stepped on this. People want ever more, and now that they gave out an SSR... Well. It's good I stepped out of most communities.


Quick google searched showed japanese melons going for the equivalent of over $200. Pretty reasonable for reisen be a bit freaked out.

Zekana said:

Quick google searched showed japanese melons going for the equivalent of over $200. Pretty reasonable for reisen be a bit freaked out.

How are they different from regular melons?

's alright, good to have something to work on.

Let me know if there's anything else needed.

Waaaiii~ 10/10 Would totally steal Junko from Hecate again.

Edit: Also, thank you for the hard work BlastingNaba

BlastingNaba said:

's alright, good to have something to work on.

Let me know if there's anything else needed.

@BlastingNaba There is a new fuantei manga posted, but if you need to take a break for a bit then I wont push you at all.

I just realized what Amagi was saying, the Carrier divisions are always a pair, Akagi and Kaga, Hiryuu and Soryuu, Shokaku an Zuikaku. No wonder Akagi-chan doesn't know how her rigging works, she needs a Kaga-chan to synergize with.