


T34/38 said:

A big question is... Whos eyeballs are those..?

Don't know anything about hololivers but do any of them have butterfly shaped patterns on their eyes?

.musouka said:

Don't know anything about hololivers but do any of them have butterfly shaped patterns on their eyes?

Rushia does.

.musouka said:

Don't know anything about hololivers but do any of them have butterfly shaped patterns on their eyes?

Yes, the girl you're looking at right now...

>Nana: It's strange... I used to come here a lot when I was little.
>Looking over this scene so dear to my heart.

>...Everyone's making fun of Nana...
>But it exists...
>Planet Usamin... It really exists...!

>And I'll become one!!
>Nana swears!
>She will be the princess of Planet Usamin someday!!

>And so here I am. As a princess.


When Nana won the 2018 Cinderella Girls contest I was kinda ambivalent.

Then I actually went to do her commus and found out how insecure she was about her future, her idol career, how people made fun of her shtick...

Now I firmly believe that there was no better girl to deserve the crown than Nana. She is a true Cinderella Girl.

Nana, seven, never made the connection during the seventh CG election. No wonder Mio didn't have a chance.

Jarlath said:

Yeah, she does look like a kid...

Agreed. Maybe that's why Sofue gives her candies.

I'm all caught up with translating now. I'll try to get this done within a day of posting from now on.

Freedom4El said:

Agreed. Maybe that's why Sofue gives her candies.


But yes, Nagura loves giving candy to kids. And Marie.

BrokenEagle98 said:

I'm all caught up with translating now. I'll try to get this done within a day of posting from now on.

Take your time, and thank you for your hard work.

Of course Nagura's going to give her candies when she acts like that. Marie, you spoiled child.

creaothceann said:

"A certain nasal inflammation drug"
Reference to To Aru Majutsu no Index/Railgun?

Not really. The "a certain" part here is 例の/rei no, which more frequently translates to "the one in question" or "the one (you know) X mean(s)". (As in, "That restaurant he goes to, you know the one I mean," or "You-know-who just walked in.") It's also used for the equivalent of the memetic "dat/that", as in the rei_no_pool ("Dat pool") tag.

Moonspeaker said:

Not really. The "a certain" part here is 例の/rei no, which more frequently translates to "the one in question" or "the one (you know) X mean(s)". (As in, "That restaurant he goes to, you know the one I mean," or "You-know-who just walked in.") It's also used for the equivalent of the memetic "dat/that", as in the rei_no_pool ("Dat pool") tag.

Basically an example of the Brand X trope.

Madcat6204 said:

I don't know if she'd even be able to stay upright if those things got any bigger.

In Tawawaverse, girls' back muscles are secretly massively developed, like a pro weightlifter's.