


I am super confused about this character, I've seen her appear in several different series, Shadowverse as a card, this person has her as being in Grandblue fantasy? and lastly she seems to be a character from this Shingeki no Bahamut series? How can she be in so many different series?


Selvokaz said:

I am super confused about this character, I've seen her appear in several different series, Shadowverse as a card, this person has her as being in Grandblue fantasy? and lastly she seems to be a character from this Shingeki no Bahamut series? How can she be in some many different series?

Cygames likes reusing their characters in multiple IPs. Not that hard to comprehend, really.

Selvokaz said:

Cygames developed all three of the games you mentioned, so basically Grea is just reused from one series to another.

I am now suddenly reminded of spectators behind me in the cafe when I play Tanks

Date Rating Safe Score 22

Italy has the highest representation of ships (11), followed closely by the Americans (10).

Germans (6)
British (5)
Russians (2+1)
French (2)
Swedish (1)
Dutch (1)
Australians (1)

nakachandayo said:

which is wrong too, obviously, since there was a September 2013 interview where Tanaka said he wanted to add non-Japanese ships

I: Will we ships from many different countries?

T: Germany, United States, Britain… We’re thinking about releasing shipgirls from many different countries. We have the kind of “Oh! It’s this guy!” artist booked already. Please look forward to it!


That line is in the 9/18 interview actually


nakachandayo said:

which is wrong too, obviously, since there was a September 2013 interview where Tanaka said he wanted to add non-Japanese ships

I: Will we ships from many different countries?

T: Germany, United States, Britain… We’re thinking about releasing shipgirls from many different countries. We have the kind of “Oh! It’s this guy!” artist booked already. Please look forward to it!


Do you even think they listened? Up to this day, I have legit seen Azur Lane players and such in Azur Lane anime threads still believing the entire "Its a right-wing propaganda, they only put foreign ships in the game now because of the accusations" narrative.

Shebadotfr said:

Do you even think they listened? Up to this day, I have legit seen Azur Lane players and such in Azur Lane anime threads still believing the entire "Its a right-wing propaganda, they only put foreign ships in the game now because of the accusations" narrative.

Especially when there is the more convenient excuse of them literally ran out of any WW2 IJN ship bigger than a light cruiser outside of paper ships.

Erogami83 said:

Especially when there is the more convenient excuse of them literally ran out of any WW2 IJN ship bigger than a light cruiser outside of paper ships.

Except maybe not since AL has had paper ships for most factions for a long time. I think it's more like they wanted to ensure all the IJN nerds are catered to first. Even for the DEs there may be potential players who literally have the wreck of said ship in their backyard.

Counting each individual once and not multiple times for remodels/transfers, there are a total of 39 foreign kanmusu as of 4/14/2020.

Italy: 11
USA: 10
Germany: 6
UK: 5
France: 2
Sweden: 1
Netherlands: 1
Australia: 1

My critiques of the art itself:

1. Verniy is technically Japanese in all but dress, so I don't really think she belongs here. Back to that thing about transfers.
2. I would have put SOME clothes on Pola. Like, at least a top. Are we to believe they let her pose topless?
3. .....It's a bear? Why?


AnonymousXIV said:

It's from the Shipwreck series. The full page has Gamby opening doors to SCPs and biohazard tubs as well.

173 makes an appearance I presume.

A_Lurker said:

173 makes an appearance I presume.

It does, so does 040-JP (the cat), one of the vending machines (I don't remember which, may be 261), one of the bears (probably 2295), and a few others.

AnonymousXIV said:

It does, so does 040-JP (the cat), one of the vending machines (I don't remember which, may be 261), one of the bears (probably 2295), and a few others.

The comedy must be darker than 100% dark chocolate!

Just for fun, I counted about 120 gold bars visible in the immediate foreground (3 horizontal stacks, 3 straight stacks, 2 more straight stacks obscured by Gambier Bay, and 1 double stack nudged between them). If we assume Gambier bay is roughly 6.5 heads tall then there's probably another 120+ gold bars below her hips based on those stacking pattern, so I'll round to 250 gold bars.

If this is a gold vault then those are probably 400 troy ounce bars, the largest kind of gold bar used in trading and investing. That's 100000 troy ounces total or approximately 109714.3 ounces.

In USD that's worth a little over 188 million dollars, or 20 billion yen. Just within arms reach. I can't tell how deep the vault is, but there's definitely another dozen full stacks of large gold bars beyond that.

There could easily be a billion dollars in there. Enough to raise a private army with tanks and air support.


Blindga said:

Math and economics stuff.

So this is what has been funding the girls many tank restoration projects.