


The torpedo goddess (or team killer extraordinaire), Kitakami-sama will be returning to World of Warships as a Tier X torpedo cruiser.

ithekro said:

The torpedo goddess (or team killer extraordinaire), Kitakami-sama will be returning to World of Warships as a Tier X torpedo cruiser.

Wonder how they're gonna buff her this time. Her HP was abysmally low when she was a Tier 8 premium.

SerialBus500 said:

Wonder how they're gonna buff her this time. Her HP was abysmally low when she was a Tier 8 premium.

She'll still be low (~28,500 hp). They increased her torpedo range to 15 km, so with a concealment build you can stealth torpedo by something like 6 or more km. The torpedo range is enough to evade radar. They are Poi torpedoes though. She's have a repair party to go with her smoke generator. Her armor is so thin, it might end up being trollish like Smolensk against Tier X battleships and some heavy cruisers. She'll have massive issues with carriers (but who doesn't). Guns are largely useless. Shimakaze outguns her.

Her torpedo spread is supposedly a super narrow kind, to help avoid team killing. But she still has 40 torpedo tubes with a 141 second reload time. Some think that they might test some deep water torpedo variants to help counter the team killing issue (can't torp a destroyer with deep water torpedoes, and if they use Asashio's torps, can't torpedo cruisers either).

I think this ship would be fun/funny to play. Frustrating when you get focused down early, but 20 torpedoes per side? That sound hilarious. It be even funnier if you could replace the engine booster (why would you even use that in a 32 knot cruiser), with a torpedo reload booster. That would be the silliest thing every. Poi times FIVE!

Thank you for completing the set! It is pretty funny with all the implications and this is what it end up with.

Searchwanted said:

What the fuck is going the even on I thought I could follow until that ending

Looks like she is being made to roleplay as an elementary schooler.

NegativeSoul said:

"Oh for God's Sake!!" says the demon.

Zdrada wears a cross pendant. Hell seems to have quite a cosmopolitan culture.

NegativeSoul said:

"Oh for God's Sake!!" says the demon.

Well depending on who you asked, demons are also His creation.

Valentine322 said:

Well depending on who you asked, demons are also His creation.

"Either God created Hell or something exists that He didn't create" is how I've heard it argued.

NegativeSoul said:

"Oh for God's Sake!!" says the demon.

Never speak God's name in vain.