


SpiritOfRei said:

what is up with rumia and a *ton* of art lifting her skirt

Most of them are Skeb requests from a Japanese user with a "skirt predation" fetish.

NamelessRumia said:

Most of them are Skeb requests from a Japanese user with a "skirt predation" fetish.


So that smol SAT is a tracking device. Nice one.

I'm curious about Sendai's hostility.

Man... Three series under one universe... Can't help but getting the shivers.

asura007 said:

Judge by her mood and how Doctor can’t reach Admiral guin,I think admiral run away again and Sendai is at least stage2

Admiral and Sendai arrived together: post #3879006 .
I really don't understand, why the doctor can't reach him!

NegativeSoul said:

They might not have actively conspired, but considering how big the others went in order to hide their intentions and fool Atlanta, massive decoy ship and what not, it's obvious that the entire dorm had to have a general idea what was going down and chose to ignore things.

Sure, I suppose you could say that they didn't want to be snitches to their fellow country ships, but still, probably should have tried to stop things before they got out of hand.

I agree that they share in some of the responsibility and should be punished, but I think their allotted punishment is overkill. I could see them being denied either wine or soccer or singing/dancing... but to be denied all three for a month? That is extremely harsh, especially since it seems they chose to remain neutral in the whole affair. Suppose they had decided to try to stop their May-Blues fleetmates... they'd be going against the three most powerful Pasta ships: two battleships and a carrier. They may have been afraid to try to confront or snitch on them.

The fact that things got so out of hand so quickly when Bismark left the scene shows how necessary her and Atlanta's strict military discipline are. But at the same time, I can't see the other ships in the dorm putting up with such harsh discipline for very long; they are likely to collectively revolt. I think a more compromising dorm manager needs to be found. One that can more effectively balance discipline with the hair-brained craziness that is the norm for this dorm. Perhaps Bismark and Atlanta could be the rule enforcers for said manager, whoever she turns out to be. I'm not sure who would be best suited for the job (Warspite maybe?).

I just know the dorm manager should not, under any circumstances, be Gotland. She is very dangerous (on par with a Bond villain) with her hypnotizing abilities and ego-maniacal tendencies (post #3451402). It is very likely that the Zuiunism cult was created entirely by her (post #3485811), seeing how easily she was able to turn off the brainwashing in Richilieu and Teste (post #3893836).

nawgonog said:

I agree that they share in some of the responsibility and should be punished, but I think their allotted punishment is overkill. I could see them being denied either wine or soccer or singing/dancing... but to be denied all three for a month? That is extremely harsh, especially since it seems they chose to remain neutral in the whole affair. Suppose they had decided to try to stop their May-Blues fleetmates... they'd be going against the three most powerful Pasta ships: two battleships and a carrier. They may have been afraid to try to confront or snitch on them.

The fact that things got so out of hand so quickly when Bismark left the scene shows how necessary her and Atlanta's strict military discipline are. But at the same time, I can't see the other ships in the dorm putting up with such harsh discipline for very long; they are likely to collectively revolt. I think a more compromising dorm manager needs to be found. One that can more effectively balance discipline with the hair-brained craziness that is the norm for this dorm. Perhaps Bismark and Atlanta could be the rule enforcers for said manager, whoever she turns out to be. I'm not sure who would be best suited for the job (Warspite maybe?).

I just know the dorm manager should not, under any circumstances, be Gotland. She is very dangerous (on par with a Bond villain) with her hypnotizing abilities and ego-maniacal tendencies (post #3451402). It is very likely that the Zuiunism cult was created entirely by her (post #3485811), seeing how easily she was able to turn off the brainwashing in Richilieu and Teste (post #3893836).

Actually, from what we've seen of Bismarck, she had never resorted to harsh punitive measures the way Atlanta does it, so perhaps our dear German battleship is the kind of dorm manager that deals with this place best. Hell, for all the trouble the other shipgirls cause, they are very quick to rely on her, which implies considerable trust in her abilities.

Grave-tan said:

Actually, from what we've seen of Bismarck, she had never resorted to harsh punitive measures the way Atlanta does it, so perhaps our dear German battleship is the kind of dorm manager that deals with this place best. Hell, for all the trouble the other shipgirls cause, they are very quick to rely on her, which implies considerable trust in her abilities.

That is a good point. Perhaps the grass is greener on the German side of the hill. At the least, Atlanta's punishments are much longer in duration than Bismarck's; Iowa was denied bacon for 3 days, not a whole month (post #3589794). But will Bismarck be willing to resume such an abused post? Maybe she and Atlanta could share the duties; I get the feeling they would get along. Atlanta respects military discipline, and her AA skills could keep Ark's pesky Swordfish at bay. ^u^

To deny Pola wine is unwittingly sadistic and impossible.

Never impose a punishment that can't be enforced.

I think this is to make the girls want to ease up on Bisko, to avoid a recurrence of the big stick that Atlanta represents.