


Hyantuu said:

Did Shitty Admiral insult Hiei's cooking again?

No, probably relates back to the previous image with Kongou trying to give the Admiral some "Burning Love" and Hiei wanting a piece of that.

The light effects look like camera flashes so I tagged them as such. I don't know what the onomatopoeia mean so it might actually be something else. Please correct me if it's wrong.

Should also note at this time, that the Chinese government is also pushing their own snake oil in the form of their Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). They've essentially made mandatory the usage of TCMs in China to "treat" pretty much everyone with COVID-19, especially the very mild cases. Using that they've been pushing out some rather shady "studies" that "prove" that TCMs are effective treatment and improve the rate of recovery.

Things to point out of course is that their Government ties TCMs to supporting Chinese culture, so being Pro-TCM means being patriotic. They also have an entire government department dedicated to pushing the usage of TCMs, and it is of course big business (something like an estimated $460 billion dollar industry).

thats Ironic of china considering if what they said was true (pangolins being the source) TCM was what got this mess in the first place... but I dont think it is accepted now as I pressume the virus has mutated to be airborne.

then again Humans being Humans they will consume anything as long as it has "health" benefit even hunting endagered species to extinction so anyone up for Tortoise meat and tiger liver soup?

NegativeSoul said:

Greenteaneko may joke, but considering some of the other "remedies" I've heard people apply to deal with the corona-virus I wouldn't put this pass someone.

This actually happened recently in Iran. People thinking downing alcohol will kill off COVID-19, that is. Sadly they wound up killing themselves due to methanol poisoning in bootleg moonshine.

Not sure if Harsher in Hindsight.

(Especially since, well , I think it happened before this comic was posted.)

FRien said:

There are so many things wrong with this I don't even know where to start, and the worst part is that I fully expect someone to really try it. I mean, I saw someone rubbing that alcoholic solution over their fucking gloves.

Actually, that's normal. You either wash the gloves or throw them away.

Veradux said:

Actually, that's normal. You either wash the gloves or throw them away.

I'm talking leather gloves. The one you put on when you go on your motorcycle, and that you remove once you arrive at work. The one that you don't normally wash with SHA, especially if it's to remove them afterward.
I'm sure this isn't good for the leather.

ithekro said:

Can she drive the demon's insane?

No, the question is can they survive hers...

Centurion787 said:

A very fitting crossover given Doomguy's backstory. For those who don't know, Doomguy had a pet rabbit (daisy) which died in Doom 2.

Since doom eternal is canon with all other doom games, Daisy is also dead in this game too. Doomguy was even bargained with her Resurrection if he left the hell priests alone.

cd_young said:

Since doom eternal is canon with all other doom games, Daisy is also dead in this game too. Doomguy was even bargained with her Resurrection if he left the hell priests alone.

Daisy has a cameo in every mission.