


Is it even physically possible fit a penis into the ear? Ive seen art of it three times now (all of them being RWBY characters, now that I think about it), and I can't help but wince in pain when I see it

AthenB said:

Is it even physically possible fit a penis into the ear?

I tried but I'm just not flexible enough.

AthenB said:

Is it even physically possible fit a penis into the ear? Ive seen art of it three times now (all of them being RWBY characters, now that I think about it), and I can't help but wince in pain when I see it

No, you can't. At least, not nearly to the level depicted. This is more in the artistic liberty domain.

Not sure if I'm a C type doktah, but I'm not a beefy one like A either..

zankde said:

Not sure if I'm a C type doktah, but I'm not a beefy one like A either..

Type E - Somewhere in the middle between A and C

THAT_BOI_D34DW07F said:

So just average then

The transition from A to C is not fun I tell ya. I am currently working my way back up to A, but darn is it hard work (getting back in shape is easy, getting rid of the excess fat is not)

ice73 said:

Thanks--found it on Jouji Nakata's Twitter, though I was sure he didn't draw it (hence the artist_request).

Already updated it for you bro.

Don't understand why he'd think they were shota/loli, Castor died as an sdult. And the stories refer to him as such.

well they got the Uchida siblings so its a double vibe check Yuuma Uchida is stated to be a siscon so....