


Is it just me or does changing the hair and adding glasses to any anime girl make her 10x more cute?

I know this is being played up for laughs and is clearly not meant to be anything beyond that but a part of me wants to tag this as racism just from the point of view of the orc. you have this human girl constantly making all these assumptions about your kind and how she keeps more or less demanding you rape her because thats what orcs do.

Zekana said:

I know this is being played up for laughs and is clearly not meant to be anything beyond that but a part of me wants to tag this as racism just from the point of view of the orc. you have this human girl constantly making all these assumptions about your kind and how she keeps more or less demanding you rape her because thats what orcs do.

Well, it's not exactly racism since there's no discrimination or intolerance.

What this is is more like racial profiling/stereotyping. The elf has the assumption that all orcs must be lustful beasts who rape others like it's their job.

Man, being an regular non-rapey orc in that world must be tiring.

Farran said:

Well, it's not exactly racism since there's no discrimination or intolerance.

What this is is more like racial profiling/stereotyping. The elf has the assumption that all orcs must be lustful beasts who rape others like it's their job.

Man, being an regular non-rapey orc in that world must be tiring.

ya, racism isn't the right word but its the only tag i could find. stereotyping is a much better term for this.

Zekana said:

I know this is being played up for laughs and is clearly not meant to be anything beyond that but a part of me wants to tag this as racism just from the point of view of the orc. you have this human girl constantly making all these assumptions about your kind and how she keeps more or less demanding you rape her because thats what orcs do.

her ears are a little too pointy to be those of a human...

Can't really imagine Madoka really being an Argentine through and through, though. She's 100% Japan, IYNWIM.

Oh, I almost forgot....Madoka's birthday is also the Dsy of German Unity, 3 October!