


I wonder if he's gonna get paired with a boy in a gay relationship; or will go out crossdressing (maybe due to his friends again) and infatuate a lesbian like volley-bu-chan?

Myhel said:

I wonder if he's gonna get paired with a boy in a gay relationship; or will go out crossdressing (maybe due to his friends again) and infatuate a lesbian like volley-bu-chan?

that would be amazing and then the reveal.

Himura said:

I wonder if anyone noticed the uniform last week (although the sleeves are a little different...)

... To be fair, Himura-sensei, you only showed Kouhai-chan in that outfit once, and it was one and a half years ago.

loplopsama said:

And I was wondering how they were going to tie last week in together with all the others. . . .

Does Himura have to? He can just declare that the characters exist in the same setting, or show them walking/standing in the same location (but not necessarily aware of each other), and that's that.


You could summarize his thoughts in one sentence:

"They just don't feel the same..."


So... wait... is he infatuated with his big sis? The only thing I can think of reading that author commentary is that he's thinking about her when he's crossdressing and looking in the mirror.