


There's a fuckton of Crowley now. That's just one of him. He basically has an army of different versions of himself last I checked.


I mean, the last season of the anime was pretty horrid with the Europe thing, so I don't exactly have the show in high regards myself. Granted, I can't stand Accelerator, so I suppose I'm a bit biased. lol

Ashenhawk said:

I mean, the last season of the anime was pretty horrid with the Europe thing, so I don't exactly have the show in high regards myself. Granted, I can't stand Accelerator, so I suppose I'm a bit biased. lol

I found it unwatchable but beared through it anyway, dropped it around the Russia part. The entire London arc had me groaning. ( Bunker-Cluster missiles i mean holy shit, the name alone. )

It's safe to say that my expectations for this show were heavily influenced by Railgun, which is airing now and is every bit as good as i'd hoped it to be.
The animation quality is also much better, which makes me scratch my head. Are these shows not made by the same ppl or what?

I would like to point out, the little girl in that picture on the inside of her shield is KSVK, her daughter.

HellScythe42 said:

I would like to point out, the little girl in that picture on the inside of her shield is KSVK, her daughter.

Jimmy probably had her in his mind when he drew KSVK's Children's Day skin. See that drone in her damaged pose (post #3633060)?