


dikkun11037 said:

Translation here

Oh my, I need to check this source more often, didn't realize how many they'd completed. I'll add them as notes here for consistency's sake

Counterfit said:

Girl in the back knows what's truly best in life.

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women?

iridescent_slime said:

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women?

That's only on Casual Friday. The true best thing in life is to feast. Feast all day, feast all night. Feast for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Feast as far as your stomach can take and then some.

The eating doesn't stop when you're full. It stops when you hate yourself.

Bloodtyrant said:

Quarantine haircuts can be like that. More reason to stay inside longer now.

I had a beard when this started. Then I decided to groom myself...

Now my face is baby smooth.

If nothing else, now is the best time to get creative with your hairstyle. Nobody is gonna blame you for a messy hairdo in these circumstances and you might just find something you like. Worst comes to worst, it'll grow back.

swartzwald said:

That was abrupt. Did we skip something.

Nope. It's a Japanese doujin troupe that a girl almost gets raped, only to be saved by her best friend, and then when said friend pops and unexpected boner will she immediately decide to pleasure said best friend.

I mean, I get the whole "White Knight" thing going on here, but you'd think you'd be just a bit more traumatized after being sexually assaulted. Or at least reluctant.