


sanitaeter said:

After all discussion, what kind of car Atlanta would use for pursuit no one seems to have tagged the actually used one!
Looks like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chevrolet_Corvette_(C1).

A most appropriate choice, since the Corvette (car) is named after the corvette (a small warship). And since the name corvette was first used by the French navy, it makes the last panel somewhat ironic.

And holy crap, Atlanta used the German railway cannon (one of the largest bore artillery pieces ever made)?! That could have brought down the whole mountain. She doesn't pull any punches.

It looks like Teste is in pervy-molester mode instead of bat-sh*t Zuiun cultist mode... She isn't wearing green at the moment. Can't say that I blame her though, she makes a good point. ;)

Lex_Ex said:

Scheiße, she (looks like just) killed the italians.

Perhaps not. Looking again at this, it may actually be Teste getting out of the car in the first panel - the last panel does show her with some damage. If that's the case, is this actually the Italians' car at all?

EmaEiishi said:

Atlanta seem almost too much of a mary sue at being a dorm manager.

She's playing by a different set of rules. Her lack of genre savviness will cause things to escalate and spiral out of control. The dorms are *supposed* to be goofy and off the wall. If she doesn't start playing nice, the other girls will rebel in earnest, and no one will be happy.

EmaEiishi said:

Atlanta seem almost too much of a mary sue at being a dorm manager.

To be fair, she's also seen what happens when you let the Foreign Fleet wackiness step all over you. Granted, she only saw the breaking point after several years, but she was still witness to it.

EmaEiishi said:

Atlanta seem almost too much of a mary sue at being a dorm manager.

perhaps the arc will end with the girls begging bisko to come back.

Death_Usagi said:

Haruna is now daijoubu

The daijoubu is going to go away in the morning when the hypnosis wears off.

how is admiral so calm throughout this? He's about to spend the night with a warm Haruna pressed against his breast.

Blindga said:

The daijoubu is going to go away in the morning when the hypnosis wears off.

The question is... will Haruna even remember what happened?

persocom01 said:

how is admiral so calm throughout this? He's about to spend the night with a warm Haruna pressed against his breast.

He may still see Haruna as a little sister more than anything else.

A marvellous work.

Still, having seen this theme a number of times --- apparently used railway lines under water, which seems quite unsafe --- I can't help wondering what it represents...

Claverhouse said:

A marvellous work.

Still, having seen this theme a number of times --- apparently used railway lines under water, which seems quite unsafe --- I can't help wondering what it represents...

My take on this artistic trend is all the abandoned local lines across the country. A symptom of "Demographic transition" as it is called which has hit Japan especially hard the past decade or so. Schools closing due to lack of students, towns dying, abandoned stations, and abandoned train lines. Not to mention dialects being lost to posterity.

Here's a recent example where a village's 370 year old kabuki tradition that is now down to its one and only new elementary school student: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/13/world/asia/kabuki-japan-children.html


lolipiece said:
the very way I beat him

remember kids dark link is VERY easy if you use the hammer

He's also pretty easy if you just don't try to stab him. Otherwise he'll just stand on your sword and proceed to jam it in everytime.

akarequiem70 said:
Does anybody see that Bowser necklace around her neck?

That's always been a part of Malon's design, actually.

Salbastro said:
Where is the Mario in this that warrants the "Mario" character tag? I don't see it

see that thing malon's wearing around her neck?