


Pronak said:

There's something wrong with a country when the demand of basic human decency from their police is considered 'taboo politics'. As a journalist, I've been monitoring these protests and, goddamn, the abuse that the police is doing EVEN when they're being recorded is insane.

Define "taboo politics".

I'm more concerned about the fact that United States is one of the countries in the world that hasn't "flatten the curve" and with all the nationwide riot that's happening right now, it's just going to get worse.

8knots said:

I'm more concerned about the fact that United States is one of the countries in the world that hasn't "flatten the curve" and with all the nationwide riot that's happening right now, it's just going to get worse.

Cities and states were already lifting stay-at-home orders and sending people back to work, opening nonessential business and public venues, etc. before the protests began. Anyone acting concerned about COVID being spread by masked protestors but not by bar and restaurant patrons needs to engage in some serious self-reflection.

iridescent_slime said:

Cities and states were already lifting stay-at-home orders and sending people back to work, opening nonessential business and public venues, etc. before the protests began. Anyone acting concerned about COVID being spread by masked protestors but not by bar and restaurant patrons needs to engage in some serious self-reflection.

Things like these are also happening in my country, don't just go boldy making assumptions that I haven't got the slightest idea of what's going on. Any crowd is just as bad, if you say that bar and restaurant patrons are causing infections to spread then how does this different with a crowd of protesters? Unless they know how to distance themselves from each other of course.

When stay at home orders are being lifted and people started crowding again, doesn't mean it's "perfectly" fine to create more unnecessary crowds.

I've nothing against the protesters in the end. It's just that the situation is so dire right now that the worst could just happen quickly without everyone noticing.


Steak said:

Define "taboo politics".

Minorities' human rights, universal healthcare and gun control. Topics that explodes in an extreme two-fronts conflict. You can see right now, where a fair and understandable demand, like a stop to police abuse is generating a lot of confrontation.

8knots said:

I'm more concerned about the fact that United States is one of the countries in the world that hasn't "flatten the curve" and with all the nationwide riot that's happening right now, it's just going to get worse.

The second wave is going to blamed on these protesters, even though a couple of weeks ago, the US had protest for opening business when the spreading of the virus was at its maximum.

Pronak said:

Minorities' human rights, universal healthcare and gun control. Topics that explodes in an extreme two-fronts conflict. You can see right now, where a fair and understandable demand, like a stop to police abuse is generating a lot of confrontation.

I don't think there are solutions that wouldn't be worse than the problems.