


Inu-Kurotsuky said:
Did anyone know where I can read the full story (Koishi´s mad adventure) translated?

Only the first three episodes of the series has been translated (I think) and available in YouTube. But some helpful anons summarized most of the episodes here http://archive.easymodo.net/jp/thread/4721359#p4721910 (BEWARE SPOILERS FOR ALL UNTIL EP8)
Now I have a theory on what the Big Bad's Little Devilish Plan is. It's not pretty.

Black_Gold_Saw said:
Coming back from the dead

Saving Reimu's butt

And kicking your evil counterpart's own ass (pictured, not literally).

Udongein is badarse.

What weapon is Reisen holding? Some kind of moon gun? Isn't that redundant? She can shoot danmaku, so why?

Danmaku is non-lethal her goals kinda needs a bunch of people to die.

Reisen's gun doesn't move according to the three dimensions. If you remember when Reisen shot Yukari. And Yukari popped a border to stop it, and it was revealed that the bullet hit? Yukari said, "I thought I dodged that." And then Reisen responded, "You can't dodge a bullet that has already hit."
This mean that Reisen's bullets move along the fourth dimenion, which is time. So Reisen killed Yukari because her bullets traveled toward a later time where Yukari is hit.

DOCoSPADEo said:
I know right!? That made me very happy but confused at the same time. She's usually portrayed as a blood-thristy sadist, so I would have thought she'd be insane.

She's with the other heroines who are trying to keep the "normalcy" (should have been translated to peace) of Gensokyo. So Medicine was probably the one going insane, and Yuuka was the one who stopped her, not the other way around.

Black_Gold_Saw said:

She's with the other heroines who are trying to keep the "normalcy" (should have been translated to peace) of Gensokyo. So Medicine was probably the one going insane, and Yuuka was the one who stopped her, not the other way around.

well, as much as gensokyo can have a "normal", it isn't all that peaceful, as every game has been different factions battling each other. this adventure just has the conflict take a more bloody, brutal turn than usual, showing how dark a series like this could truly be if it tried. in my opinion, that is where KKHTA truly shines

blindVigil said:

Why Medicine?

Because in KKHTA, Yuuka was trying to protect Medicine from some lunatic persons, since the lunatic-thingamajic that makes everyone go nuts makes them evil, they already trashed poor medicine just to make her only look like she’s broken, since she’s has been seen with only her head and body...