


ideLOLog said:

I think tea ban would be more appropriate.

Considering the Soviets' vodka ban, this would seem fair. But then, messing with an English person's tea usually leads to trouble (the American revolutionary war comes to mind).
Atlanta seems to be a smart cookie, and fair. I think the dorm is in good hands with her, at least till she's driven bonkers like Bisko.

Scholastica said:

What would Iowa's punishment be anyway? Confiscating all her toys?

KingsleyDawson said:

That and made her pay for the Germans' tatami with the money meant to buy those toys.

Whoa now, let's not go too far. I think taking the money out of her paycheck to cover the damages would probably be a fair enough punishment. Especially since the Russian ships were doing something wrong and without any real leadership, someone had to step up to stop them in the meantime.

Atalanta might do well to keep in mind the adage "idle hands are the devil's workshop"... consider that espionage seems to be Warspite's other hobby.

Jerseyboy95 said:

I have a way to scare Atlanta.

Get an M4 Sherman and paint William T. Sherman on the hull.

nah, leave her alone in the Japanese dorms by night, while Sendai, Poi and Akatsuki are yasen-ing.

KingsleyDawson said:

What about Iowa? I hope that Atlanta doesn't pulling her punch in punishing her fellow Americans just like she did with the British and Russians.

Eboreg said:

Whoa now, let's not go too far. I think taking the money out of her paycheck to cover the damages would probably be a fair enough punishment. Especially since the Russian ships were doing something wrong and without any real leadership, someone had to step up to stop them in the meantime.

Yeah Iowa and the American ships who helped kick Gangut and Tashkent out of the German rooms should be in the clear. Just ask Iowa to pay for the mat. (ido’s Iowa would probably happily pay for it)

While Atlanta was somewhere not stepping up to manage, Iowa and co. were making sure the German girls weren’t being evicted.

Regrets for the computer: best to have a small SSD for a safe operating system, Linux or Apple etc.; save to detachable hard drives and keep all non-operating files on them *; and rsync those file incrementally each day to other hard drives. --- or the Cloud if you trust that.

I do get sick of wise people wagging their fingers primly and going on about back-ups --- not everyone in the world can afford extra hard drives at any time.


  • Linux and the BSDs of course separate the operating files and put all own on stuff into your own home folder: for instance mine is /root/home/falcon, Falcon being my middle name.

Anyway, do not despair of recovering the files: hold on to the disk(s).

When possible, attach it to a hard disk enclosure via usb, and see what can be recovered and moved off. After that I've had good luck in retrieving some files with PhotoRec and TestDisk: the first is for finding individual files and the second to fix lost partitions, both from the same firm.


They even work on Windows of all things, though one has to know how to type into a unixlike terminal.

And they are annoying, can dump files unnamed into a heap, but that's better than nothing. And not costing the thousands computer recovery firms can charge...



EDIT: just remembered, decades ago when I used Windows, Runtime Recovery Software was very good. But I see it now costs USD$79 ( for life, though I long lost the email I bought it with... )



So it's like the watch Superman gave Jimmy Olsen to call him if he was ever in trouble?