


Blackfocker said:

The old art even for the Masticore.

I'll go even further by affriming that Sengir Autocrat is Sixth Edition, and Urza bloc and Mercadian block were part of old Standard in 1999. Maybe there's a hidden message in that fact...

Or maybe not, because Jervis' max luck is not 99 but 100.

People in the comments said:

MtG stuff.


I’m kidding.

I take it Jervis is set up with that hand?

A_Lurker said:


I’m kidding.

I take it Jervis is set up with that hand?

Yup, she has a Sengir Autocrat in hand, when it comes into play it creates 3 tokens, she drew into Delraich which has an alternate casting cost of sacrificing 3 creatures and is a 6/6 trample. Grim Monolith is there just for flex.

Hamu Koutarou (On Twitter) said:

It's just my MTG knowledge is restricted around that time, and couldn't think of a 'brutal' blue and/or white combo deck right away...
Instead Delraich came in my mind :)

I'm not sure how many "brutal" combos had survived the bans and were still around at the time 6ED got released, but Replenish decks and Metalworker decks were still terrorizing Standard all the way to rotation.

Date Rating Safe Score 16

This is somewhat dejavu when I first joining this fandom after watching Nichijou

*When asked if there's pure humans on Arknights, Sea cat[Umineko] confirm there isn't. He says every character has a animal theme to make the diversity of the characters more deeply.

But also:

*4gamer ask if the player(doctor) is human.
Neither Umineko or Yui answer.

It's obvious that the doctor is human to make it more relatable to the players.

Also, talking about Warfarin, there's this quote (when trust is increased to 150%) that adds more fuel to the "the doctor is human" theory.

Fine, fine, I'll come clean... I have tasted lots of blood from different species and races and types. And I do enjoy the subtle differences in flavor, okay? In fact, the only type of blood I've never tasted is... yours, Doctor. Haha!

Pronak said:

*When asked if there's pure humans on Arknights, Sea cat[Umineko] confirm there isn't. He says every character has a animal theme to make the diversity of the characters more deeply.

The way this is worded honestly doesn't make me think that the world of Arknights is devoid of humans, just that all of the main characters aren't human. This statement seems to completely disregard the shortlived anonymous operators. Mephisto certainly doesn't have any visible animal theme, and the only races to not possess animal traits are aquatic based. The translation is also kind of awkward so I'm a bit skeptical of its accuracy.

Also, talking about Warfarin, there's this quote (when trust is increased to 150%) that adds more fuel to the "the doctor is human" theory.

That line is actually unlocked at 200%, but Lancet also has a line regarding the Doctor's blood.

I've printed out the standard blood test report I just did for you. Everything looks normal, but there's a very unique characteristic about your blood...

blindVigil said:

Ace, Scout

Ace has a thin rat tail, so he's likely a Zalak. Scout is explicitly a Sarkaz.

the vanguard operator, (...) Mephisto

These two are unknown, yes, but I'm still in the 'until there's a confirmation, then they're Ancients' camp. After all, the sea people aren't visibly animals.

DAS58 said:

Ace has a thin rat tail, so he's likely a Zalak.

That really doesn't look like a tail, and he's missing any sort of animal ears or horns, which is inconsistent with literally every other land based animal operator.

Scout is explicitly a Sarkaz.

Just completely overlooked his demon tail, whoops.

These two are unknown, yes, but I'm still in the 'until there's a confirmation, then they're Ancients' camp. After all, the sea people aren't visibly animals.

But they still feature details alluding to their respective animals in their overall designs. Mephisto's race is gonna be a real surprise if it's ever revealed, cause there's nothing to guess it on from his appearance except for how white he is.

blindVigil said:

But they still feature details alluding to their respective animals in their overall designs. Mephisto's race is gonna be a real surprise if it's ever revealed, cause there's nothing to guess it on from his appearance except for how white he is.

There is one hint with Mephisto- his name and connection to Faust. "Faust" is the name of the play by Goethe, and relates to two characters- the eponymous Faust and the demon Mephistopheles. The race with "Demonic" connotations in Arknights is Sarkaz. In this case though, Faust was/is Sarkaz IIRC. In which case, I would wager Mephisto is either Sarkaz, Human, or something else entirely.

There are a number of operators that can look human and hide their furry features like blue poison.

I would say there aren’t any humans but they can easily turn around and use it for a new plot