


NegativeSoul said:

Why does Doomguy look like Saitama under there?

It would be very appropriate, given how unstoppable the two of them are in their respective franchises

Date Rating Safe Score 4

Lex_Ex said:

It's funny since we knew Comrade Medium One is half italian while Gangut is the pure blood.

Czarist Gangut came before Lenin.

The perfect curveball would be havin' Atlanta, Houston and Perth take over the foreign dorm duties till Bismarck recovers.

Kryptik said:

Gangut showing that she is still not a true believer, unlike Comrade Medium One.

I am reminded though, how has De Ruyter avoided coming into conflict with the Russiabotes?

Gangut was Tsarist navy first. Tashkent is the convert, and those tend to be more patriotic than ones who were there to see the flaws from the beginning.

Also, I hope she meets AL Gangut someday.

Lex_Ex said:

It's funny since we knew Comrade Medium One is half italian while Gangut is the pure blood.

Gangut is a Russian Czarist/Putinist nationalist while Tashkent is Uzbek-Italian Leninist/Stalinist communist.

Kryptik said:

Gangut showing that she is still not a true believer, unlike Comrade Medium One.

It could also be poking fun at Russia's constant search for warm water ports, since she's thinking about the sunlight.

KingsleyDawson said:

My point still stands, as a quote from WarGames said:

"A strange game, the only winning move is not to play."

I mean there wouldn't be something good out of this whole mess when the next comic is titled "ICBM".