


NegativeSoul said:

I hope there won't be this weird plot twist that when she arrives on Earth it'll actually be 10000 years later, but due to space-time dilation, she won't be affected and thus end up on some ruined Earth.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

If you're reading through this now and wondering why I replaced "Celestial" with "Deva" and other similar things, the reason is simple.

"Celestial" is an overly literal translation of 天人 that removes all of Tenshi's cultural context, which is brought up several times in the series.
Just to name two off the top of my head, in the Komachi story mode vs. her in SWR, she directly references the "five signs of weakness" a deva displays before their death. Also Youmu's PCB Spell Card "Five Signs of the Dying Deva" uses 天人 in the original name.
Not to mention, in Buddhist lore the deva realm is beautiful and perfect, but spiritually empty. That describes Tenshi's whole character and motives.

And that's my main motivation for this edit spree. That's not all I'll do though, I'm also going to fix the translation here and there.