


79248cm/s said:

There is no ban on political debate. No subject is forbidden on danbooru. The only mandate is to keep discourse civil. Frankly this is one of the fun things about the website. An anime image can get a bunch of weebs to talk about serious stuff.

Saladofstones said:

Generally the rules are don't get personal/attack people, and don't insert unrelated political screeds onto images.

I do understand that 500 posts about politics on a Mongolian Throat Singing board can get annoying, though.

Is that so, i thought it is forbidden because i kinda remember the Pepe the frog mimikyu post from way back that have the same discussion.

79248cm/s said:

(and Fox News regularly bashes Trump by the way because he isn't establishment Republican)

Fox News only did exactly that until Trump's presidential nomination was secured. Now? The most-watched segments on Fox defend him at every opportunity, practically giving Trump-biased coverage.

Call it "bashing" or whatever, but the only outliers vocally criticizing Trump administration as a whole can be counted with one hand: Andrew Napolitano (contributor/guest), Chris Wallace, Shepherd Smith (already resigned) and maybe Neil Cavuto when the economy stock market takes a hit. If you have more names, then be my guest.


Frawnkenstein said:

Fox News only did exactly that until Trump's presidential nomination was secured. Now? The most-watched segments on Fox defend him at every opportunity, practically giving Trump-biased coverage.

Call it "bashing" or whatever, but the only outliers vocally criticizing Trump administration as a whole can counted with one hand: Andrew Napolitano (contributor/guest), Chris Wallace, Shepherd Smith (already resigned) and maybe Neil Cavuto when the economy stock market takes a hit. If you have more names, then be my guest.

On top of that, several anchors have done direct appeals to Trump that he then heeds, and a good amount of contributors ended up joining his administration. Fox News sold itself out once they realized Trump had a base they could latch onto.

Hell, even Trump's obsession with those unproven drugs comes from some segment from Fox news. It's not every day that the snake oil salesman is the president.

kibehisa said:

You know, this entire comment may have been worth as much as piss in the wind if it wasn't for the fact that Trump originally supported the Captain until several Admirals called him (through the proper channels) to explain what the issue was with the Captain's actions, where he immediately backed down from his earlier stance and sided with the Navy.

I would like to note that this has gone full circle with Modly Resigning and Trump going back to supporting the Captain.

Steak said:

Apparently only 155 on board have been infected. Out of a crew of thousands. The navy really has no response? No quarantine procedures? No medivac? They have to try and get the President involved? I thought NBC doctrine was well established during the Cold War, or was that only in Clancy novels?

CVN-71 has access to all of it's on board facilities and personnel. All of the facilities and personnel within it's strike group. And everything Guam has to offer.

And they're freaking out? That's not exactly inspiring.

The fact that they're sending samples to USFK so the Koreans can test them shows just how "prepared" USN is for this crisis.

Frawnkenstein said:


Fox News has regularly bashed Trump, thing like saying he shouldn't tweet, that he isn't acting presidential, or saying his actions on trade (specifically tariffs) aren't good, even when it has shown that they are. Tucker regularly bashes Trump on foreign policy. The only one who is really pro Trump the majority of the time is Hannity and that Greg guy, but the Greg guy runs comedy. That is like getting your news from Jimmy Fallon.

In contrast look at other news medias in how they treat Trump vs Obama. The bias is blatantly clear, there is no way you can say that Trump has the media on his side.

Saladofstones said:

As far as the Malaria drugs and Z-pak, it isn't unproven. It has shown pretty effective success in studies. I should also note that Fox has actually had some contributors who have not suggested the combination, they clearly are not all in one way or another. Frankly it is unscientific to simply label something as snake oil when there hasn't been any conclusive evidence that the treatment is worse than the virus or ineffective, especially when the whole point isn't to use it as a treatment for everyone, but those already severely affected by the viruses symptoms to where they are at an increased risk of dying from the virus. If this combination is found to be effective enough for FDA approval and Trump had not taken steps to explore the option, you can be sure the media would say Trump is responsible for all deaths due to the virus.

Trump has not reversed his stance on the main subject. He only condemned the language used against the captain, which you can scroll up and see that this view was also publicly agreed by the Navy (I personally however do view the Captains actions as stupid, for the reasons previously outlined, and I believe Modly's leaked speech is probably closer to how the rest of the Naval brass feels about the subject than the PC veneer). The captain has not been given command back. Trump has also said that Modly did not have to resign. And actually, after reviewing Trump's response, he reinforced the fact that the Captain was wrong in his actions, there wasn't any circling around done in anyway.

It is also notable how the media tries to spin the situation as the Captain "sounding the alarm" and not drawing attention to the fact that he was not removed from command simply for asking for help, but doing so outside protocol.

There's a difference between saying someone said or did something stupid and saying they are stupid. Smart people do and say stupid things all the time for one reason or another. In fact, I'm often confronted with people who fail to recognize the distinction, either because they lack comprehension, or assume implication regarding their ability.

I totally felt this way when Totino changed from round to square. I get the logistics of shipping, but man, I still want the round pizzas.

I was also initially upset when Snapple got rid of the glass bottles (they were perfect for holding solvents and corrosive liquids) but then I found out the PETG was perfect for 3D printing so I still have utility for them.

79248cm/s said:

I totally felt this way when Totino changed from round to square. I get the logistics of shipping, but man, I still want the round pizzas.

I was also initially upset when Snapple got rid of the glass bottles (they were perfect for holding solvents and corrosive liquids) but then I found out the PETG was perfect for 3D printing so I still have utility for them.

Ah, I see someone else likes performing freebase extractions on Acacia plants.

79248cm/s said:

I totally felt this way when Totino changed from round to square. I get the logistics of shipping, but man, I still want the round pizzas.

I was upset too, then i realized the rectangle pizza fit perfectly in my toaster oven and thus i ended up with an even crispier pizza so i was happy. Also there is a nostalgic feeling of when i was a kid wating rectangle pizzas from school.

Now orr a change i was upset with, mr pibb was discontinued for a while and that was one of my favorites. Then an episode of american dad informed me that it was back but it was pibb xtra now. I was both happy it was back but greatly annoyed it had a stupid name.

Yeah but imagine being a ghost and you have to put up with change in scoiety over generations, hundreds, thousands of years, wachting the rise and fall of trends, the evolution of tech and culuture, only for it to fold back in on itself after civilization collaspe.

blindVigil said:

Wait, why is this tagged netorare? Who's being cheated on? The lions?? Yeah, I'm removing that.

its netorare for us cause we are doctors and this is also pretty much rape