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No Grozny?
That's mean.

It's kinda interesting yet sad that the loli with the L2D prison skin became the least popular one.
Especially since the other loli, Tashkent, seems to be the most popular girl from the Northern Parliament.

blindVigil said:

Rossiya isn't here either, which honestly seems even weirder

Pretty sure that's her on the right

Myrrhmidon said:

Pretty sure that's her on the right

Gangut and Rossiya wear an almost identical hat, and Rossiya's bangs don't cross like that, I'm certain that's Gangut

sanitaeter said:

Is this a reference to "Star Trek, The Original Series, Trouble with Tribbles"?

I'm thinking Wrath of Khan and the Cetian eels.


How have the Abyssals not taken over the planet by now? They have access to legit mind control technology.