


If there are multiple artworks from the same gallery, which one should have the commentary?

Date Rating Questionable Score -4

iridescent_slime said:

Why the hell do we even have a tag that conceivably could apply to 99% of the images on this site?

I am afraid this is one of those self-uploadfags. The other post has their signature/implication.

iridescent_slime said:

Maybe it's just me, but the amputee tag seems to undersell what's presented in this image.

Is there even a tag for amputating an entire lower body?
triple amputee is as close as this image can get, i think.

@iridescent_slime seems it's called Hemicorporectomy. Not sure if we want a more speaking name or if this is good enough, also due to the fact that people looking for this kind of thing might search on google for it to find the name first.
Maybe this pic can be tagged with that plus triple_amputee. It's a specific enough concept that a single post would be justified for it imo, otherwise we'll never find it again.

I've added bisected for now, but I won't object if anybody wants the technical term here as well. I can't foresee it being a very common tag in the long run, though.

You ever been so drunk, you couldn't even flip the bird?

Incidentally, I remember as a boy, we'd call what Ashigara is doing "Flipping the Squirrel."

K9Thefirst1 said:

You ever been so drunk, you couldn't even flip the bird?

That's her ring finger. I think she's asking the Admiral to cover it with something.

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