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blindVigil said:

That's not how sarcasm works, but alright

How does sarcasm work then? By definition, it means '...the use of words usually used to either mock or annoy someone, or for humorous purposes. Sarcasm may employ ambivalence, although it is not necessarily ironic...' So Daviroll's comment is indeed sarcasm. Unless you mean that anything you don't agree with and don't find funny isn't sarcasm?

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  • Aes1r said:

    How does sarcasm work then? By definition, it means '...the use of words usually used to either mock or annoy someone, or for humorous purposes. Sarcasm may employ ambivalence, although it is not necessarily ironic...' So Daviroll's comment is indeed sarcasm. Unless you mean that anything you don't agree with and don't find funny isn't sarcasm?

    If you wanna call wikipedia vaguely describing it a "definition", then sure. Actually reading further down the wikipedia article, we see that sarcasm can be direct or indirect. Indirect sarcasm is to say the opposite of what you mean with an inflection that clarifies that you are being disingenuous. Direct sarcasm is to say precisely what you mean with a mocking inflection. Both uses are done to mock or insult someone.

    Daviroll here says

    Arcsys is totally not stealing Type-Moon alters idea, nono

    He added the /s after the fact. If he were being indirect, then that would mean he was implying the opposite of his statement to be true. Except Type-Moon didn't invent dark alter egos, so you can't say Arcsys stole the idea from them. If he's being direct, then he's just making a completely harmless inoffensive statement, since Arcsys can't steal something nobody owns, which is not sarcasm, as the point is to be directly insulting.

    So then, how is his comment sarcasm?

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  • blindVigil said:

    If you wanna call wikipedia vaguely describing it a "definition", then sure. Actually reading further down the wikipedia article, we see that sarcasm can be direct or indirect. Indirect sarcasm is to say the opposite of what you mean with an inflection that clarifies that you are being disingenuous. Direct sarcasm is to say precisely what you mean with a mocking inflection. Both uses are done to mock or insult someone.

    Daviroll here says

    He added the /s after the fact. If he were being indirect, then that would mean he was implying the opposite of his statement to be true. Except Type-Moon didn't invent dark alter egos, so you can't say Arcsys stole the idea from them. If he's being direct, then he's just making a completely harmless inoffensive statement, since Arcsys can't steal something nobody owns, which is not sarcasm, as the point is to be directly insulting.

    So then, how is his comment sarcasm?

    I was shortening the definition down rather than vaguely quoting it, thanks. Furthermore, Daviroll was being directly sarcastic if we follow your example, as he's saying that from his point of view, Type-Moon was indeed the first popular media that he saw using the concept of dark alter-egos and therefore, he's accusing this picture of being similar to that.

    By your definition, he's 'making a completely harmless inoffensive comment' by being directly sarcastic. Which is still sarcasm. Which is used to be insulting/mocking.

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    Higusan said:

    The cat may not have been named but it is fairly obvious that it is Unsinkable Sam, given that it appears with Bismarck and Ark Royal.


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  • So... time to rename the dude's tag? I always felt calling Senpai felt off as Douki-chan herself never called him that


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  • So i guess this chart disproves theory that Kouhai-chan isn't romantically interessted in Douki-kun and is just messing with Douki-chan.

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  • airb350 said:

    So i guess this chart disproves theory that Kouhai-chan isn't romantically interessted in Douki-kun and is just messing with Douki-chan.

    The "?" mark for Douki-chan does raise some flags though. I'll just say that it's entirely possible that she secretly likes her just as much, but we now know at the least that she isn't just messing with her; she is genuinely head-over-heels for Douki-kun.

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