


When the pandemic began, I wondered what Giovanni would do for his employees. The ones that have desk jobs might do alright, but then there's still countless field agents that are at risk, and he can't just ignore the problem or force them to keep working, because that's an awful lot of people that would be willing to take a plea deal in court in order to take him down if he screws them over. I'd be willing to bet that these two somehow managed to make those masks, considering everything else they've managed to build.

The Pokemon World has always seemed pretty utopian, for that specific techno-anarcho-socialist ideal. Like how life would be on Star Trek's Earth. Incredible technology, but also harmony with nature. Everyone has what they need as a matter of course. Kids can go off and chase their dreams rather than engaging in alienated wage labor. And of course, all the free national healthcare. So I think they'd be alright regardless.

Though it is funny to imagine Team Rocket doing a terrorist attack, getting scolded for spreading the virus, and agreeing to go home and do crimes later. That's a vision of a society where even gangsters treat people better.

On Pixiv, Pudge commented "drawing the other witches with their respective countries flags", which knocked me off my rails, I always thought she was Irish!

IronFly said:

On Pixiv, Pudge commented "drawing the other witches with their respective countries flags", which knocked me off my rails, I always thought she was Irish!

She's Irish-American.