


Ace312 said:

O.O I'm really scared of what Unicorn might say. D: *Shaking in fear*

Unicorn: Would you like prison Onii-chan?~

Jerseyboy95 said:

Unicorn: Would you like prison Onii-chan?~

O.O *Backs away* N...No Unicorn... No prison please.

Ace312 said:

O.O *Backs away* N...No Unicorn... No prison please.

Unicorn: Well then... Take those pants off!~

Jerseyboy95 said:

Unicorn: Well then... Take those pants off!~

*Backs away more* Whoa! That's way too fast. We haven't dated yet. Unicorn. I really care about you, so can we please take this nice and slow to know each other? Sounds good? ^^;

Since I got Red 4 days ago, I can't help myself and keep interpreting her lines in Guin's Red. This damn sentient penguin is messing my mind.

Also, be careful with nosebleeds, Gamby, I think that Warfarin haven't tasted shipgirl's blood yet.


Pronak said:

Also, be careful with nosebleeds, Gamby, I think that Warfarin haven't tasted shipgirl's blood yet.

Warfarin: “This is one girl, but her blood has the scent of hundreds of men. Fascinating!”

Closure: “And it doesn’t smell like iron, it smells like steel. Steel and oil.”

Pronak said:

Since I got Red 4 days ago, I can't help myself and keep interpreting her lines in Guin's Red. This damn sentient penguin is messing my mind.

Also, be careful with nosebleeds, Gamby, I think that Warfarin haven't tasted shipgirl's blood yet.

And I just managed to get her through a Crowd-Control recruitment.
Now I'm wondering how many more Lavas and Stewards I'll be getting before I recruit someone more interesting.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, WAIT!!!
That's not how the story go!!!
At least show some reluctance!

Richelieu. She's a light cruiser. Why don't you, you know, shoot her with your main guns?

dasCKD said:

Richelieu. She's a light cruiser. Why don't you, you know, shoot her with your main guns?

The reason is obvious.
She's recuiting Atlanta into Zuiunism.

I mean, Commandant Teste is wearing a Zuiun Matsuri haori behind her after all.