


As an Okayu fan, this was my favorite moment. The way Aqua flops was perfect.

Honestly, she just feels like normal Dido here. Then again I haven't actually leveled or used her since I got her so I'm not too sure on what she's like.

Random_Fanguy said:

Honestly, she just feels like normal Dido here. Then again I haven't actually leveled or used her since I got her so I'm not too sure on what she's like.

Basically Tsumiki Mikan

It's because it's a Romance of the Three Kingdoms fanfiction and Lu Hua is supposed to live to betray another day, I believe

Disregarding all that, they had one shot at producing a smol character with a big hammer and they wasted it. Shura's nice, but she's really just another spear woman when you get down it.

Valentine322 said:

Some people say that her death serves to show the horrors of war, yet the guy who committed double regicide got off with a slap on the wrist with the chance of being playable some day.

Something tells me Cygames just hates potatoes.

Yeah that's really fucking stupid, what a unsatisfying conclusion to the story.
We got robbed super hard from a new playable potato, there is so few of them to begin with.

Cort321 said:

Are these character type rare?

A harvin that isn't charlotta and isnt a mage or archer? Yea that'll fall under unicorn rare.

Sphaazer said:

this should be black listed

Then go right ahead and do it, no one's stopping you.