


ezekill said:

Even as kids, Bel still wont allow kiddo Enterprise to be messy

And it's unfortunate that Bel is gonna end up with a bunch of sauce and cheese in her hair thanks to that manjuu.

ezekill said:

Even as kids, Bel still wont allow kiddo Enterprise to be messy

Since girls and Bel is already taking care of Enty, that if that is total delivery XD.

ezekill said:

Even as kids, Bel still wont allow kiddo Enterprise to be messy

Kind of surprised it isn't Vestal, to be honest.

What's with her face?

Pekora's whole character revolves around the gap moe between her unbearable smugness and her actual incompetence and/or ignorance. I'm sure to a large part she plays it up for comedy, so don't feel too bad for her, but that's sorta her gimmick.