


Woah wait what. Why would an actual anthro-animal person call themselves a "furry"? I understood that term to mean humans who fetishize/identify with anthros or animals.

usuallydead said:

Woah wait what. Why would an actual anthro-animal person call themselves a "furry"? I understood that term to mean humans who fetishize/identify with anthros or animals.

It's used as both, it can refer to a person into anthropomorphic animal characters, and the anthropomorphic animal characters themselves. The furry tag on this site is used for the latter.

usuallydead said:

I understood that term to mean humans who fetishize/identify with anthros or animals.

I assume the term never become a pejorative in that world (with anthros actually existing and all) and is just used to refer to them like blindVigil said.