


Welp, now you're gonna need to take care of a rifle and a carbine. And she wants enough offspring for an entire football team whole squadron.

When you finding out some strange kinks like installing a Pedersen Device but instead have a pending carbine on the way.

Pronak said:

Welp, now you're gonna need to take care of a rifle and a carbine. And she wants enough offspring for an entire football team whole squadron.

Who knows... perhaps Platoon.

I'm not sure where the reference for these images came from, or if one came from the other or was done jointly between the artists, so don't pay too much attention to the order of the parent/child relationships.

See, i don't have a problem with there being no human ears, as long as there are some in that general area. However since artworks that show the lack of human ears under the hair are extremely rare, i needed that to make up my mind. So yeah, still cute :D
And thank you mattaku mousuke for showing me that.

SerialBus500 said:

But then, how is she gonna enjoy wearing headphones?

It's okay, it's not like her iPhone has an RCA-headphone jack anymore.

... for some reason, I’m kinda scarred of those fireworks...( because I don’t want to burn myself...)