


Nerniply said:

The expressions in this one are priceless

Also, Haru in pink? What has this world come to?

They finally got to her. Her femininity caught up to her.

What is this clusterfuck?
I can barely identify a few of them in these pics.

The only one I cannot identify is the guy with bumps on his head in the small triangle panel. That said, the guy on the lower left panel is supposed to be Nicole since Sophia ships Katarina with her brother, but there is nothing in the image that would visibly identify him. Not sure if he should be tagged. As for the girl Maria is going yuri with, that's supposed to be pre-isekai Bakarina

Oh, I see, it's Bakarina's COUNCIL OF MINI-MES in her head that are being shipped with all of the harem in this pic in addition to pre-isekai Bakarina. You can tell because of their defining traits (glasses, moustache, uncharacteristically go-lucky.)

That head bump guy might be Serious Dick or what's his name. I heard he's going to stir some trouble further in the story.

Also I think realworld Bakarina needs her own character tag ,and the only one I can come up with is monkey_girl_(hamefura). Feel free to change it if you know better.

Zaku_Zelo said:
Where are you getting all of this?


except it wasn't so funny in the actual episode.

It happening during the two little sisters' time-out time is just speculation, but since it's been mentioned that the reason everyone going mad was because of Koishi and a plan from a lone soldier and a devil...

Black_Gold_Saw said:

except it wasn't so funny in the actual episode.

It happening during the two little sisters' time-out time is just speculation, but since it's been mentioned that the reason everyone going mad was because of Koishi and a plan from a lone soldier and a devil...

Can you read Japanese and know exactly what happens in episode 10? Because I'm not seeing where you're getting all of this.

Zaku_Zelo said:
Can you read Japanese and know exactly what happens in episode 10? Because I'm not seeing where you're getting all of this.

In episode 9, Reisen was mentioning something about the true moon. A dialogue in Imperishable Night suggested or directly said that the Lunarian Moon can induce madness in a person. But half of what I say is partial speculation. Although, mostly everything I've predicted seems to have been proven true so far with the subs. I'm just deducing using what I've seen so far in the story.

edit: Plus, there's plenty of hints that everyone went insane during the night Flandre and Koishi we're locked up.

Zaku_Zelo said:
Can you read Japanese and know exactly what happens in episode 10? Because I'm not seeing where you're getting all of this.

Eh, well, what part of episode 10 are you confused about?

The pool appeal justification only works with posts that are part of contiguous pools not random gatherings of posts.

Log said:
The pool appeal justification only works with posts that are part of contiguous pools not random gatherings of posts.

Regardless of the pool reasons, this is a pretty good picture and definitely up to Danbooru's Nightmare Fuel standards. So why is this not able to be approved?