

Date Rating Safe Score 11

This is just a guess, but I'm thinking the one standing between Cuora and Shirayuki is a female Doctor, judging by the hood and the fact that she doesn't really seem to resemble anyone else.

Blue_Stuff said:

This is just a guess, but I'm thinking the one standing between Cuora and Shirayuki is a female Doctor, judging by the hood and the fact that she doesn't really seem to resemble anyone else.

Not sure how you could conclude the doctor's gender. The doctor always wear a gender-neutral jacket with hoodie.

oracle135 said:

Not sure how you could conclude the doctor's gender. The doctor always wear a gender-neutral jacket with hoodie.

The character Blue Stuff is referring to here has a side-ponytail, hair ribbon, and they're barelegged instead of wearing pants (gives the impression the character is wearing a skirt).