


naked arms are too much, too much!

Kinda funny I see people getting weirded out when they see Tifa without gloves on

NWSiaCB said:

That or Musashi.

And the arm holding the paintbrush going for Sazanami is a long-sleeved serafuku, similar to Isokaze...

EDIT: Actually, since there are no gloves, it's probably Yukikaze.

Nope its Yamato


So, guess what wasn't tagged here for some reason? It starts with a "Z". Was there an old Zuiun tag that got nuked or somesuch, because the current tag seems very... underpopulated.

At this point I can only see this going one of two ways: either Atago kills herself, or she lets herself be killed by the other shipgirls as atonement. She’s just gone too far off the deep end to simply walk away from this shitstorm.

Savato93 said:

At this point I can only see this going one of two ways: either Atago kills herself, or she lets herself be killed by the other shipgirls as atonement. She’s just gone too far off the deep end to simply walk away from this shitstorm.

Well all things considered Atago has not actually killed anyone so far, at least not intentionally maimed and manipulated yes

Krugger said:

Do the union for the union

A very old parody of Mayakovsky.
«Lezhu na chuzhoy zhene»


na chuzhoy




k zhope,

no myi ne ropschem -

delaem kommunistov,




Pust huy


kak machta


Mne vse ravno,

kto podo mnoy -

zhena ministra

ili uborschitsa!

Date Rating Safe Score 2

astraympx said:

I think the first iteration of this admiral being a schemer is on Zuiun Cult incident

Though I have to said, Luck is definitely one of his better stat.

His overall characterization seems closer to the Commander Goto from Mobile Police Patlabor, laid back, a bit of a slacker but iltimately caring for his people and no stranger to bouts of intellectual sharpness.

Bismarck and Graf seems to share the role of stand in for Shinobu Nagumo. Whereas Atlanta could be the closest thing to Kanuka Clancy.

Kryptik said:

I mean, lets be fair here, THIS admiral being this kind of schemer is a fairly recent development. Before he was a pretty half-ass delegator who basically made Nagato the de facto boss around the base.

That's what he wanted you to think.

I'm leaning towards him being a lazy bastard.

Also, Atlanta still hot. Her and Colorado.

Jarlath said:

Atlanta is even hotter than ever now.

Finally someone who can stand up to the Admiral has appeared.

Also, using his childhood friend like that to manage the French ships...

Agreed, Hotlanta is hot stuff! Beauty, brains and guts galore.

Yes, Kuso Teitoku is being put in his place. He does have a heart of gold (he did jump out of the back of a plane without a parachute to save Haruna), but it's surrounded by a sack of lazy, manipulative crap. But, that's what makes this all entertaining. ^u^

Don't forget, Got-sama was also the midwife at his birth, and named his Godmother.

Kryptik said:

I mean, lets be fair here, THIS admiral being this kind of schemer is a fairly recent development. Before he was a pretty half-ass delegator who basically made Nagato the de facto boss around the base.

It's not recent.
But yes, he is often depicted as a half-assed delegator who only slacks off.

Unless.. Atlanta missed one element part,
The piece of long black hair that fell it was a ruse.