
Comment deletion request (Artist commentary)

Posted under General

budoka_azathoth said:

Yeah, I got that. But what do I do with the older ones from before this feature? The already-existing comments with both artist commentary and my thoughts.

Oh, sorry, misunderstood you. I just edited my comments down to my thoughts only. Some I deleted outright because the comment alone wasn't significant enough.

Or you can leave it as it, it's all up to you.


If you can't edit your own comments you could link the specific posts and a janitor could edit them down to just your commentary.

Log said:

If you can't edit your own comments you could link the specific posts and a janitor could edit them down to just your commentary.

Comments can always be edited (or deleted) by the person who posted them.

I already got it but yes you're free to delete your own commentary comments.

Lousy cold affecting how I think.

Going on a (self)deletion binge here though I'm leaving out the translated commentary cause it's still a grey area for me to post something that I did not translate. Now that I think about it I really have to write/copy paste the untranslated "ufufu" part every time Gaoo does said pics.


What's the policy on posts that only have titles without additional commentary, like post #1517348? Should the title go in the new field and the commentary be left blank, or both the new fields just left empty since there's no commentary?

uxw said:

What's the policy on posts that only have titles without additional commentary, like post #1517348? Should the title go in the new field and the commentary be left blank, or both the new fields just left empty since there's no commentary?

Depending on the artist the title can be considered part of the commentary. If it says something interesting put the title in the title field, regardless of the presence or absence of a description.

Toks said:

No, you were not the one to translate that. So the comment should stay.

As a question then, why did you put post #1548908 for deletion when it was Kadoya's (according to the previous posts)?

edit; though this was dependant on being able to keep the non-quotation part of Teclo's comment from the start of course.

It doesn't matter who posted the original commentary, it's nice that someone copy/pasted some text but giving them credit for doing so is vastly different from giving someone who didn't translate credit for translating.