
Tags you should (not) use

Posted under General

Kingvict said:this fucking site can kiss my left nut

I'm pretty sure it doesn't want to, though.

Kingvict said:
this fucking site can kiss my left nut

So what's wrong with your right nut?

I'm saying one thing about this, and not touching it afterwards:

Is it really necessary to feed the troll?

lichifruit said: Is it really necessary to feed the troll?

Sure, because we can ban em any time we want. And his bitching was completely random enough that I was amused far more than annoyed.

There is a new tag called koisuruotome_to_syugonotate

I will start uploading these pictures....

Minase said: There is a new tag called koisuruotome_to_syugonotate. I will start uploading these pictures....

After some quick research, I'm going to change the tag to koisuru_otome_to_shugo_no_tate to reflect more standard romanization and spacing of words. I know the official site (which I've linked in the wiki entry for the tag) uses the spelling you did, but Japan fails at romanization. Please upload any more under the updated tag. I'll suggest an alias as well though, in case you forget.


jxh2154 said:
After some quick research, I'm going to change the tag to koisuru_otome_to_shugo_no_tate to reflect more standard romanization and spacing of words. I know the official site (which I've linked in the wiki entry for the tag) uses the spelling you did, but Japan fails at romanization. Please upload any more under the updated tag. I'll suggest an alias as well though, in case you forget.



If it's not illegal, would it be frowned upon if I went through and added an "eyebrows" tag to certain images of girls with thick eyebrows? It may be obscure, but I think it's an important tag.


borjarnon said: If it's not illegal, would it be frowned upon if I went through and added an "eyebrows" tag to certain images of girls with thick eyebrows? It may be obscure, but I think it's an important tag.

Well, not illegal but I would confine it to, as you said, images where eyebrows are REALLY prominent. Like, almost the point of the image. Like that dude in FLCL with the fake ones.

Doesn't always have to be that extreme, no, but it should be really, really noticeable, and not just to someone with an eyebrow fetish.

Nope. Fetal position is closed, and almost always implies lying on your side. And that pic has neither. Btw, I'd say that "curled_up" would have pretty much the same connotations, so it's not a good tag either.

-1 fetal position
-1 curled up (or anything about curling)

Maybe Wikipedia has something about sex positions?

LaC said:
I doubt many of us would subscribe to the opinion of the girl who claims to have never had sex while wiping off the cum from her last blowjob. To say nothing of anal.

So, something like:
should have the sex tag then? I personally think so... it is called "oral sex" after all and using sex as a catch-all for any sort of sexual activity makes sense to me.

However, if this is the case, the wiki entry sex should probably be updated to something like, "Pictures depicting any sort of sexual activity. See also... (list of links to specific kinds of sex)" IMHO.

In my opinion the current tag "sex" should become "intercourse" through a mass edit (maybe even "vaginal" or "vaginal_intercourse"), and then sex should be aliased from intercourse, oral, anal, etc.

This may sound useless because we already have "explicit" and that's close enough, but there are certainly enough explicit images that don't actually depict sex to make this worthwhile.

EDIT: I forgot if this was already discussed...


Well, that would make sense too. Although, I've seen plenty of pictures with the "sex" tag that don't contain intercourse so I assumed it would be easier to generalize the term.

As for the "explicit" tag, there appears to be only 5 pictures using it, and this is the first time I've even heard of that tag.

Unless you're referring to the rating. In which case you'll have to pardon my ignorance, but is it possible to search for pictures within a specific rating? Oh wait... I just tried "rating:explicit" and that seemed to return results.

Right. Then the sex tag is probably redundant.

Switching subjects slightly: how would one classify a picture that clearly involves penetration, but it's not clear whether is anal or vaginal? Would it just be an explicit picture with neither tag? Or should one just make a judgment call based on the positioning and say, "That's probably vaginal"?

Near as I can tell, it could be either. He seems a little high, suggesting anal, though I'm no expert in anatomy and you've got to allow for artistic license as well. If I had to make a call I'd say vaginal for the simple fact that I believe pictures depicting anal sex would try to make that fact more noticeable.

Hm, well right now it's supposed to be used for just vaginal sex, but like I said I think that could be a separate tag with "sex" becoming more generic.

And yeah, you can search for explicit images and get results that would be pretty close, but that would include a pretty big amount of images like this: post #211845 (oh, as an aside--you can link to image posts directly by going post #[number of the post in question])

Aside from that, it would also be a good tag to block, for people who don't mind some nudity but don't like the "hardcore" stuff.

As for your question, I agree with your reasoning that anal should be more explicit to garner the tag. So yeah I think you should default to vaginal (that is, to "sex") if you're not sure if it's anal or vaginal. I guess that's another case where "sex" in the more generic sense would be a useful tag.