
Tag alias: marie_(skullgirls) -> bloody_marie_(skullgirls)

Posted under Tags

Adam Kapowski's surname is never given in-game, to my knowledge, either, and Squigly is instead tagged by her real name (as "real" as these can be), Sienna Contiello. I'm not as versed in SG lore, but I'd suppose there's some standing reason for Marie to be tagged as she has. However, since she seems to have been named "Marie" even outside of her Skullgirl form, it may be better to reverse the alias, to allow accurate coverage of her human self. (This differing for "Patricia" and "Carol", since those names are drastically different.)

We could use input from someone more attuned to this hubbub, though.

Characters should be tagged by the name that people know them as. If their real name is obscure trivia that most people who have played the game don't even know then it shouldn't be the name of their tag. See topic #10123.

I haven't played this game but if this is what's going on with the characters you mentioned then their aliases should be reversed.

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