
"Cephalopod Eyes" Tag

Posted under Tags

I just noticed we have a cephalopod_eyes tag, and I think this is rather inaccurate, as goats, horses, and a few other non-cephalopod species also have horizontal pupils. I think the tag should stay, it just needs a different name.

The frog_eyes also feature horizontal pupils. Maybe we should have a collective name for these types of eye tags?

We already have slit_pupils which cover both. Maybe horizontally_slit_pupils and vertically_slit_pupils?

Oh, I was just thinking of seeing if a tag needed to be made for those. I was personally thinking they should be tagged as horizonal_slit_pupils. Some alternatives I've seen just quickly googling are "horizontal pupils" and "rectangular pupils."

Apparently though the slit_pupils in the wiki states it is for both vertical and horizontal aligned slit pupils, though I think that the vertical type crowds out the horizontal type into obscurity.

NWF_Renim said:

Apparently though the slit_pupils in the wiki states it is for both vertical and horizontal aligned slit pupils, though I think that the vertical type crowds out the horizontal type into obscurity.

The first time I saw the slit_pupils tag, I thought it only referred to vertically-slit pupils. Silly me...

Azuretan said:

We already have slit_pupils which cover both. Maybe horizontally_slit_pupils and vertically_slit_pupils?

That could work... Maybe the original slit_pupils tags could be implicated the latter two?

It was a general tag, but being specific sounds good. I made it so I could remove the 'snake' and 'cat' eyes, because just looking at the image (without the motif) you wouldn't be able to judge which animal is being portrayed.

Would w-shaped pupils sound like they fall under horizontal or horizontal slit? The only example I'm currently aware of wouldn't get tagged, but no idea on future images (post #1413469 and external link example ). If it's alright that such eyes might fall under the horizonal_pupil tag, then I guess horizontal_pupils would be fine. If not and if adding "slit" in the name would reduce the chances of something like w-shaped eyes falling under the tag, then I'd rather include the extra word in the name to make it more obvious of the purpose of the tag. I'm kind of pessimistic that some of the user base will end up adding something unintended for the tag if the name isn't made as self-defining as possible, regardless of the what the wiki says the tag's purpose is.


Kikimaru said:

create alias goat_eyes -> rectangular_pupils
create alias sheep_eyes -> rectangular_pupils
create alias octopus_eyes -> rectangular_pupils
create alias toad_eyes -> rectangular_pupils
create alias horizontal_eyes -> rectangular_pupils
create alias cephalopod_eyes -> rectangular_pupils

Link to request


Rectangular only refers to the shape, it doesn't and shouldn't define orientation as well. If an artist were to draw vertical oriented rectangular pupils, then they would fall under this tag. The naming leaves room for something that's kind of at odds with the goal of this tag for covering pupils oriented horizontally. Wikipedia's article uses both orientation and shape, such as "A goat with horizontal rectangular pupils."

You can pull up just as many sites that refer to them as slits as you can rectangles ("horizontal slit pupils": 9,860 results vs. "rectangular pupils": 8,160 results). There are also scientific journal articles that refer to them as slits (example 1 and example 2 ). At minimum horizontal slit isn't incorrect usage.

Cephalopod_eyes shouldn't be aliased at all to this tag, because that is treating cephalopods as if they have one specific eye shape, which they don't (wikipedia ). Cephalopods have a variety of different shapes, with squids having circular pupils, cuttlefish having w-shaped pupils, and octopi having horizontal slits/rectangular pupils.

I'll probably just go with Hillside's proposal of "horizontal_pupils," as perhaps leaving room for different shapes that are oriented horizontally would be better in the end. Whether w-shaped pupils fall under that tag or not is still something I'm curious about. Additionally U-shaped pupils as well (dolphin's pupils at various light levels if the middle one gets drawn would that be defined as horizontal?).

I've been using goat_eyes on the new pics, but a new tag that combined all the horizontal pupil tags would be nice.

Alrighty, I hate to bump an old thread, especially one of my own, but I feel that the new(?) usage of horizontal_pupils is noteworthy. Might there be any chance of coming to a consensus?

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