
Kikimaru the Contributor (deleted)

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

It appears that yesterday Kikimaru has been promoted to Contributor. And by none other than the founder himself.

Ladies and Gentlemen, pardon me my French, but what the dickens?!..

Kikimaru is one of the worst violators of the posting guidelines among the higher-ranked members. Not only is he known to randomly post whatever tickles his fancy (that includes poorly drawn Mass Effect scribbles), he himself proudly acknowledges it.

Over 8000 - yes, over eight bloody thousand - of his uploads were deleted. And heaven knows how many more should have been.

But the worst part?..

Kikimaru said:

It's not like my posts aren't moderated.

Well, shit, not anymore.

Unless he somehow managed to attain enlightenment, and from now on is going to adhere to howto:upload - which, taking into account his modus operandi during the past 7 years, is very unlikely to happen - Danbooru is on the verge of being drowned in an uncontrolled influx of subpar shit-art - maybe even pictures of naked Garrus Vakarian.

Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against Kikimaru as a person (not yet, at least), but I do believe that he didn't deserve this promotion. So, albert, if you still read this forum, please reconsider.

Updated by Log

One of the suggested requirements I was told for qualifying to be promoted to contributor was having a deletion percentage under 5%. Kikimaru certainly has well over the number of uploads to be promoted to contributor, but he goes well over 5% deletions and has a current deletion percentage of 16.9% for his uploads over the last 6 months. Given this, I wouldn't consider Kikimaru qualified to be promoted to contributor.

albert doesn't read the forum. Send him a pm, I'm locking the thread before it becomes something that can't be taken back.

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