
How do I tag this?

Posted under Tags

Hmm, aren't those gym shorts? At least where I'm from, that's what I call them. Low-cut boyshorts-style shorts made of cotton, drawstring in the middle with the side seam and all.

Huh. That tag existed. Although when I think of the term boyshorts I usually think of panties, which that isn't quite. I guess it fits though.

Gollgagh said:

Yeah, boyshorts, they don't look see-through to me though.

This concept seems more like short shorts to me, except that they are considered undies.. the wiki however even says they are "bootyshorts" which is an alias to short shorts. Seems like the specifically underwear posts could be tagged something else and boyshorts get an alias to short shorts... maybe we can make a thread if anyone has an opinion on that.

Provence said:

post #2659465
Is that a raccoon?

I think that isn't a raccoon but a tanuki (raccoon dog). A raccoon (P. lotor) has a beard and grey body hair. Also, those leaves are often associated with bake-danuki (化け狸) in Japanese culture.
