
Tag implication: church_interior -> church

Posted under Tags

mass update church_interior -> church indoors

Link to request

This tag appears to be just another replacement for a simple two-tag search, like indoor_pool was. If it were bound to a specific room of a church, it might be useful, but a catchall tag for any interior space in a church seems like something we could do just as well without.

EDIT: This bulk update request has been rejected because it was not approved within 60 days.

EDIT: The bulk update request #1460 (forum #142050) has been rejected by @DanbooruBot.

Updated by DanbooruBot

I don't see that church interior means 'church' as in a dedicated ( pun intentional ) building usually known as a church.

I can't speak for all religions that have churches, but in Christian terms a church can equally well be a part of another complex building, a cathedral, an open space or a temporary place where christians gather for communion and community; I've even seen regular churches in office blocks for some denominations --- and the last part is the earliest history of christianity, when they met together in a fellow worshipper's house, or if slaves, in private gatherings hidden from their masters: in both cases staring anxiously for the door being knocked in for the persecutors to pour through --- before wrapping up and dismantling the evidences of church business.

And the last still applied to Baptists in the USSR etc.

An church interior does not mean 'a church'.

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