
Tag implication: matryoshka_doll -> doll

Posted under Tags

Mmm... got a point there, I've seen that a few times.

Well, maybe the same goes for daruma doll too, although I've never seen a daruma doll as a charm before.

Well, I think that character "doll" doesn't really refer to "doll" per se. I think it is more a catch all term for any "objectification" of a character and doll might be the most common and applicable to most cases.
But "real" dolls should stay dolls.

Matryoshka dolls aren't considered prototypical dolls, i.e. toys hugged and carried around by children. In practice they're more like figurines.


Type-kun said:

Does something like post #1465645 need doll tag?

I don't know. I thought you could give some detail if those Matroshka "Dolls" are really considered dolls in Russian.
Because Hillside Moose has a good point here.

Maybe we should do a wiki rewrite for doll then? I almost never tag it unless I see a generic doll, like the ones you see in bedrooms.

And if it's a character doll I usually tag and leave it as that. I did tag it in post #2579394 though, only because I thought it belonged this once.

The real question is whether a user would expect to find matryoshka or daruma or woodoo doll when searching for doll.

Provence said:

I don't know. I thought you could give some detail if those Matroshka "Dolls" are really considered dolls in Russian.
Because Hillside Moose has a good point here.

Well they are called "dolls" in Russian as well, but I never saw a child to use one as a toy. Those are more like souvenirs.

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