
Character tags for Kagaya Inn

Posted under Tags

With mochi_au_lait's Kagaya Inn reaching 104 posts, I was wondering if we should make character tags for at least the family.

post #2856824 has all the family members' names. Accordingly, the tags would be:


So far as I know, the recurring inn guests haven't been given names, but some of them (like the actress and her manager) have been featured enough that tags for them wouldn't be amiss. That said, it might be a good idea to wait until they have names; actress_(kagaya_inn) and the like seem a bit unwieldy.


We usually only create character tags for original works if the characters appear across multiple works from the artist or are borrowed by other artists, so I’d hold off on creating character tags for this series for now.

I say yes, go ahead, since the series is so long now and there should be a way of searching for particular characters. I know I was going to try to tag characters in "More Than Friends?" but I never got around to it (was unsure on some characters' full names like the older sister). Though by standard romanization, it should be Kagaya You (not "Yoh").

kittey said:

We usually only create character tags for original works if the characters appear across multiple works from the artist or are borrowed by other artists, so I’d hold off on creating character tags for this series for now.

EB said:

I say yes, go ahead, since the series is so long now and there should be a way of searching for particular characters. I know I was going to try to tag characters in "More Than Friends?" but I never got around to it (was unsure on some characters' full names like the older sister). Though by standard romanization, it should be Kagaya You (not "Yoh").

I think I'll wait for more opinions :)

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