
[APPROVED] [Bulk] Horror & Creepy

Posted under Tags

mass update horror -> horror_(expression)
create alias creepy -> horror_(theme)

Link to request

I've never quite understood why we have "horror" named like that (when stuff like gloom_(expression) exists), so I'm requesting this to make searching more natural after a discussion with a new user.

The problem with the current situation is that we often see people mistagging pictures meant for creepy as horror because it's not immediate that the latter is only for expressions, and creepy doesn't of course show up in the autocomplete. This request tries to fix that by making both tags show in the autocomplete for "horror", so that it's intuitive to understand which one to use.

Also, I'm requesting creepy as the tag being aliased, because frankly that name is just too subjective - it feels more like something a pool should be for when named like that - while "horror" as a theme is well defined and something everyone can recognize.

EDIT: The bulk update request #1558 (forum #145029) has been approved by @Hillside_Moose.

Updated by DanbooruBot

I'm iffy on the second so I'm leaving myself out on that. I do agree on the first and the fact that horror can be poolable. Assuming it's distinguishable from the Nightmare Fuel pool.

Kadoya said:

I'm iffy on the second so I'm leaving myself out on that. I do agree on the first and the fact that horror can be poolable. Assuming it's distinguishable from the Nightmare Fuel pool.

If people agree to get rid of the creepy tag and merge it into nightmare fuel that's fine by me, but I'm not sure if they quite overlap myself.

nonamethanks said:

If people agree to get rid of the creepy tag and merge it into nightmare fuel that's fine by me, but I'm not sure if they quite overlap myself.

I think creepy is more the kind that gives you goosebumps/shivers and nothing more while Nightmare Fuel tag is the kind that gives you nightmares/makes it hard to sleep, I think they really need to be separated.

Horror is a valid genre, just as science fiction or steampunk is. I don't see why it shouldn't have a tag. Sure, it's perhaps a little more subjective than those themes because fear is very personal, but it's still plenty objective enough for a tag in my personal opinion, and renaming it might even help it be used more properly. Creepy has always just felt too subjective a name for a tag, while horror is pretty easily recognizable in the west as a genre of fiction.

+1 to both mass update and alias.

Oftentimes, the creepy tag ended up being used for things that are just weird but which don't necessarily fit into the horror genre. Things like post #613940 and post #2102146 are certainly bizarre but they aren't exactly what you'd expect to see in a typical horror movie. Overall, I'm sort of on the fence about this alias; it seems like a pretty good idea but there are a number of affected posts that we should reevaluate to see if they'd be better described by tags like what or surreal, or if they should instead go in pool #3377 or pool #11462.

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