
Sanka Rea and the Zombie tag

Posted under Tags

I'm requesting some clarification regarding when it is and isn't acceptable to use the zombie tag. I ask because the tag is presently littered with sanka rea images like post #820256, post #1149766, and post #1177935 -- images with no visible sign that the character is undead apart from eye color, which itself is meaningless unless you're tagging based on canon knowledge. There are characters from a few other copyrights that regularly get this tag as well, but they at least tend to have green/grey skin or other obvious signs of rot.

Should the zombie wiki stipulate that characters must have undead traits (à la the vampire wiki) such as signs of decomposition, rigor mortis, or a taste for human flesh? Or do we just call this an exception to the "tag what you see" guideline?

All these tags behave the same way.
There are certain specification a zombie has and a picture should meet some (all) criteria if the tag should be added.

Should the zombie wiki stipulate that characters must have undead traits (à la the vampire wiki) such as signs of decomposition, rigor mortis, or a taste for human flesh?

It should, otherwise there's absolutely no point in the tag.

I think "visible undead traits" is as specific as we need to be, since depictions of zombies vary considerably. At least enough that would identify a character as something other than a living human.

Since Rea's gradual zombification is a plot point in the series, she also gains unnaturally pale skin as it progresses (post #1240582 vs. post #1240595) and has to stitch herself (post #1147565). I think having one or both of these traits visible in a post would be enough for the zombie tag.

While stitching yourself is kinda freaky that looks like a normal stitched wound to me. Her pallidness isnt very noticeable unless she is standing with other members of the cast such as in post #1182956. Even then I would not have guessed zombie without background knowledge.

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