tag:danbooru.me,2005:/forum_topics/5229 Change log for Danbooru 1.18 2010-12-09T12:19:34-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:ForumPost/52455 2010-12-09T12:19:34-05:00 2010-12-09T12:19:34-05:00 @zatchii: > rantuyetmai said: > I just tried uploading... <blockquote><p>rantuyetmai said:<br>I just tried uploading pixiv medium size (<a class="dtext-link dtext-id-link dtext-post-id-link" href="/posts/804155">post #804155</a>) but danbooru didn't automatically grab the large image. The link source was changed manually.</p></blockquote><p>Did you use the upload form or upload via the DanbooruUp extension?<br>DanbooruUp currently bypasses the URL rewriting, just as if you uploaded from your hard drive.<br>If you uploaded from the upload form, the URL should have been rewritten regardless of the image size.</p> zatchii /users/30735 tag:danbooru.me,2005:ForumPost/52454 2010-12-09T12:17:47-05:00 2010-12-09T12:21:19-05:00 @RaisingK: > rantuyetmai said: > Edit: On closer look, the... <blockquote><p>rantuyetmai said:<br><strong>Edit:</strong> On closer look, the medium mode have a larger file size (295 KB) than big mode (102 KB). Don't know why pixiv does this, but the code Albert wrote is to upload the largest file, maybe that's why.</p></blockquote><p>Yeah, pixiv's sampler is extremely stupid, especially with PNGs. I can't believe Danbooru would go by filesize, but if that's the case it's a huge mistake.</p><blockquote> <p><a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="http://danbooru.me/forum/show/51675?page=1">RaisingK said:</a></p> <p>Small: <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&amp;illust_id=12746700&amp;page=0">849px × 1,200px (4,440.66 KB)</a></p> <p>Big: <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga_big&amp;illust_id=12746700&amp;page=0">900px × 1,273px (1,237.19 KB)</a></p> <p>Oh pixiv, how your broken resizing cracks me up...</p> </blockquote> RaisingK /users/13506 tag:danbooru.me,2005:ForumPost/52447 2010-12-09T10:33:52-05:00 2010-12-09T10:33:52-05:00 @Shinjidude: It's probably a sampling issue, where the... <p>It's probably a sampling issue, where the sample is sometimes generated to be less compressed than the original. </p><p>You can see that here too sometimes where a sample is made for something just over the size threshold, and the sample ends up with a slightly larger file size even though the dimensions are slightly less.</p> Shinjidude /users/1002 tag:danbooru.me,2005:ForumPost/52444 2010-12-09T09:41:56-05:00 2010-12-09T09:45:57-05:00 @rantuyetmai: That's not the point. Danbooru should have... <p>That's not the point. Danbooru should have automatically take the link "...####.png" instead of "...####_m.png", no?</p><p><strong>Edit:</strong> On closer look, the medium mode have a larger file size (295 KB) than big mode (102 KB). Don't know why pixiv does this, but the code Albert wrote is to upload the largest file, maybe that's why.</p> rantuyetmai /users/288549 tag:danbooru.me,2005:ForumPost/52443 2010-12-09T09:24:16-05:00 2010-12-09T09:24:16-05:00 @jjj14: > rantuyetmai said: > I just tried uploading... <blockquote><p>rantuyetmai said:<br>I just tried uploading pixiv medium size (<a class="dtext-link dtext-id-link dtext-post-id-link" href="/posts/804155">post #804155</a>) but danbooru didn't automatically grab the large image. The link source was changed manually.</p></blockquote><p>That picture's medium size is the same as the large size, both are 560x440.</p> jjj14 /users/106784 tag:danbooru.me,2005:ForumPost/52441 2010-12-09T08:10:33-05:00 2010-12-09T08:10:33-05:00 @rantuyetmai: > Log said: > It works fine if the user uploads... <blockquote><p>Log said:<br>It works fine if the user uploads from pixiv using the source field but doesn't work if the user saves the image to their hdd and uploads it, replacing the source afterwords. I just tested it with <a class="dtext-link dtext-id-link dtext-post-id-link" href="/posts/730388">post #730388</a>.</p></blockquote><p>I just tried uploading pixiv medium size (<a class="dtext-link dtext-id-link dtext-post-id-link" href="/posts/804155">post #804155</a>) but danbooru didn't automatically grab the large image. The link source was changed manually.</p> rantuyetmai /users/288549 tag:danbooru.me,2005:ForumPost/48917 2010-09-28T13:30:00-04:00 2010-09-28T13:30:00-04:00 @Shinjidude: Having a bookmarklet and a macro key is pretty... <p>Having a bookmarklet and a macro key is pretty effective too. That's what I do.</p> Shinjidude /users/1002 tag:danbooru.me,2005:ForumPost/48915 2010-09-28T13:07:12-04:00 2010-09-28T13:10:54-04:00 @RaisingK: > piespy said: > It'd probably be easier and... <blockquote><p>piespy said:<br>It'd probably be easier and faster to query the similarity search, there's a firefox plugin for it somewhere.</p></blockquote><p>Yeah, the <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="http://saucenao.blogspot.com/search/label/Firefox%20Extension">saucenao extension</a>. My Greasemonkey <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="http://userscripts.org/home/scripts">scripts</a> for pixiv all link to the search in some fashion, but the extension is the simplest. </p> RaisingK /users/13506 tag:danbooru.me,2005:ForumPost/48909 2010-09-28T10:21:15-04:00 2010-09-28T10:21:15-04:00 @piespy: > wanchan said: > Quickest way was to find... <blockquote><p>wanchan said:<br>Quickest way was to find their name as used here was using danbooruup and searching danbooru to see what the most recent post is, and it was quickest to run danbooruup on a thumbnail then cancel the dialog</p></blockquote><p>It'd probably be easier and faster to query the similarity search, there's a firefox plugin for it somewhere. Just right-click the thumbnail, query on iqdb, and if you don't see it on danbooru post away (unless it was posted there in the few minutes since the last iqdb update).</p> piespy /users/9685 tag:danbooru.me,2005:ForumPost/48905 2010-09-28T07:27:14-04:00 2010-09-28T07:27:14-04:00 @wanchan: > Log said: > How exactly do you upload a 150... <blockquote><p>Log said:<br>How exactly do you upload a 150 or less pixel image "accidentally" I don't understand that at all, doubly so for pixiv.</p></blockquote><p>I can answer that as I've done it. I was checking through my watched artists on Pixiv to see if they were all here and up-to-date. Quickest way was to find their name as used here was using danbooruup and searching danbooru to see what the most recent post is, and it was quickest to run danbooruup on a thumbnail then cancel the dialog - until I accidentally hit enter.</p> wanchan /users/1137 tag:danbooru.me,2005:ForumPost/48850 2010-09-27T14:32:27-04:00 2010-09-27T17:23:08-04:00 @RaisingK: > albert said: > I'm also running a script to... <blockquote><p>albert said:<br>I'm also running a script to fix a bunch of Pixiv uploads where either the medium-sized version was uploaded or the MD5 mismatches for whatever reason.</p></blockquote><p>So what was the fix? The caching is a bit out of whack right now. The tag count for <a class="dtext-link dtext-wiki-link dtext-wiki-does-not-exist dtext-tag-empty" href="/wiki_pages/pixiv_thumbnail" title="This wiki page does not have a tag">pixiv thumbnail</a> is -91, <a class="dtext-link dtext-post-search-link" href="/posts?tags=pixiv_thumbnail">pixiv_thumbnail</a> has one page of results, and <a class="dtext-link dtext-post-search-link" href="/posts?tags=pixiv_thumbnail%20-asdfasdf">pixiv_thumbnail -asdfasdf</a> has three (before a bunch more were purged, at least).</p><p>And how does the script fix the <a class="dtext-link dtext-wiki-link tag-type-5" href="/wiki_pages/md5_mismatch">md5 mismatch</a> posts? Don't those have to be verified manually?</p> RaisingK /users/13506 tag:danbooru.me,2005:ForumPost/48673 2010-09-25T07:41:25-04:00 2010-09-25T07:41:25-04:00 @albert: I found and I believe I've fixed a major bug... <p>I found and I believe I've fixed a major bug with aliases where the cache wasn't being properly expired. I also ran a script to go through every alias and make sure there aren't any inconsistencies.</p><p>I'm also running a script to fix a bunch of Pixiv uploads where either the medium-sized version was uploaded or the MD5 mismatches for whatever reason.</p> albert /users/1 tag:danbooru.me,2005:ForumPost/46658 2010-08-21T11:26:25-04:00 2010-08-21T12:00:49-04:00 @Mr_GT: > Log said: > How exactly do you upload a 150... <blockquote><p>Log said:<br>How exactly do you upload a 150 or less pixel image "accidentally" I don't understand that at all, doubly so for pixiv.</p></blockquote><p>Well how does one post a _m sized picture without at least first clicking on said image to see if it's bigger than what they see? Anyway to answer your question it has to do with Google Chrome and it's ability to open images on new tabs.</p> Mr_GT /users/102191 tag:danbooru.me,2005:ForumPost/46656 2010-08-21T09:39:31-04:00 2010-08-21T09:40:19-04:00 @Log: How exactly do you upload a 150 or less pixel... <p>How exactly do you upload a 150 or less pixel image "accidentally" I don't understand that at all, doubly so for pixiv.</p><p>Also they can just be double-deleted when it's a blatant mistake. (ie: a more reasonable sized image is uploaded immediately after.)</p> Log /users/9509 tag:danbooru.me,2005:ForumPost/46655 2010-08-21T09:09:41-04:00 2010-08-21T09:09:41-04:00 @Mr_GT: > albert said: > If you upload from source, the... <blockquote><p>albert said:<br>If you upload from source, the _m sized image should be corrected and the large image should be downloaded.</p></blockquote><p>I think I remember uploading a _m sized image to see if the site would correct the link. Still good to know that it does. </p><blockquote><p>I haven't done this for thumbnails</p></blockquote><p>Oh yes, please do. That would do wonders for anyone who accidentally uploaded a thumbnail from pixiv and/or any other site. Is it easy for to create scripts like that?</p><blockquote><p>This can't stop anyone from manually downloading the _m size image and uploading that.</p></blockquote><p>Well that's a given and they no way of fixing that short of taking away the ability to manually uploading images from your hard drive but I can assume that would be a bad thing to do.</p> Mr_GT /users/102191 tag:danbooru.me,2005:ForumPost/46654 2010-08-21T08:58:02-04:00 2010-08-21T08:58:02-04:00 @albert: If you upload from source, the _m sized image... <p>If you upload from source, the _m sized image should be corrected and the large image should be downloaded. I haven't done this for thumbnails, and this can't stop anyone from manually downloading the _m size image and uploading that.</p> albert /users/1 tag:danbooru.me,2005:ForumPost/46653 2010-08-21T08:28:00-04:00 2010-08-21T08:28:00-04:00 @Mr_GT: Did something happened earlier because now the... <p>Did something happened earlier because now the tag history actually display the image's source link. Does this mean that the site will auto correct any Pixiv link so that the uploaded image is in it's fullest size?</p><p>Example: <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link" href="http://danbooru.me/post_tag_history/index?post_id=731399">http://danbooru.me/post_tag_history/index?post_id=731399</a></p> Mr_GT /users/102191 tag:danbooru.me,2005:ForumPost/46652 2010-08-21T08:33:13-04:00 2010-08-21T08:33:13-04:00 @albert: Some important changes: * Post source should... <p>Some important changes:</p><ul> <li>Post source should now be versioned. I'm running a script to back-populate the old versions but this will take awhile.</li> <li>Artists can now be banned. All this does currently is delete posts. It's a mod only feature.</li> <li>On the forum, any string that matches "Tag Alias: aaa -&gt; bbb" or "Tag Implication: aaa -&gt; bbb" now creates a link to the alias/implication page with the relevant fields prepopulated. This still needs a little work since it breaks with wiki links.</li> </ul> albert /users/1 tag:danbooru.me,2005:ForumPost/46565 2010-08-20T08:06:33-04:00 2010-08-20T08:06:33-04:00 @albert: RaisingK can you post your script somewhere? I... <p>RaisingK can you post your script somewhere? I can probably write a nightly batch to automatically find and fix these.</p> albert /users/1 tag:danbooru.me,2005:ForumPost/46560 2010-08-20T04:26:23-04:00 2010-08-20T04:26:23-04:00 @Mr_GT: > albert said: > Also I'm baffled at how this... <blockquote><p>albert said:<br>Also I'm baffled at how this could be the case because the code seems plain as day to me. Can anyone see what's wrong?</p></blockquote><p>Like what Log said it seem to be working okay. The only problem is it only works for medium sized image links. It doesn't work if someone accidentally uploaded a image link containing a "_s" in it.</p> Mr_GT /users/102191