
Change log for Danbooru 1.18

Posted under General

albert said: Four new metatags: generaltagcount, artisttagcount, copyrighttagcount, and charactertagcount.


Edit: okay I just tried touhou charactertagcount:0 and it didn't work, unless there really are no touhou images whatsoever without a character tag, which would be impressive. But even so it brought up almost everything, so something is off.

touhou charactertagcount:1 and touhou charactertagcount:>1 seemed to bring up the right results, but only partially so. Only 3-4 pages for the first and only 5 images when doing it with idolmaster charactertagcount:1.

I guess it's still being deployed throughout the database or something? Maybe it hasn't registered the number in older images yet.

Also, shorter aliases for these might be good, if possible. Maybe something like numchar: numgeneral: numcopy: numart:, or charcount: copycount: [etc]


jxh2154 said:
I guess it's still being deployed throughout the database or something? Maybe it hasn't registered the number in older images yet.

Yeah, albert forgot to initialize the tag counts across the database. Any posts that have had their tags edited in the last ~3 days (when this feature was deployed) will have correct tag counts. All other posts still have tag counts of zero.

It's odd, then, that posts that were uploaded that recently (I was looking at some from within 11 hours) don't have the correct tag counts. Dummy tag edits do fix them, but I would have expected uploading to count the same as a tag edit does in fixing it.

It does AFAICT, but I don't think this was fully deployed until about when Albert announced it. The tag counts certainly weren't updating yesterday. And yeah, it's cached per post, so I guess some job has to be run for old posts.

Is the artist creator for pixiv not supposed to fetch their homepage url if they put one in? I swear it used to but maybe I was imagining things.

It has been replaced by a new link in the field Size that tells the file size and is a link to the original image.

I like it better now because I don't need to scroll down anymore.

It's definitely in a more convenient position, but I miss being able to expand an image sample to full-size on its own page instead of opening a separate page.


Thanks. I had disabled that notification a long time ago, being more used to the "Original image" link from before.

If anyone else is looking to re-enable that message, delete the "hide_resize_notice" cookie in your browser.


Thank you so much albert for implementing the tagcount metatags. I've been waiting for that feature ever since I found this site. However, I second jxh2154's request for shorter aliases, as they're kind of long.

Also, the "Original image" link is broken on Safebooru, it seems.

jxh2154 said:
Also, shorter aliases for these might be good, if possible. Maybe something like numchar: numgeneral: numcopy: numart:, or charcount: copycount: [etc]

How about in the style of the subscribed tags? "count:char:3", etc... That would leave open the possibility of "count:3" for 3 of any tag-type, if you felt like adding that.

Also, ETA on refreshing the tag-totals for all of the posts?