
Tag Implication: chocolate_heart -> chocolate

Posted under General

I don't know about you, but I tend to think of food as being solid, barring a few exceptions such as soup. Chocolate, at least in liquid form, is not one of those exceptions.


Hmm, "food" wouldn't be the first thing to pop to mind given "naked chocolate", but melted chocolate or chocolate syrup is still very much "food" in my mind. The same goes for "whipped cream", "honey" or "syrup", which are all liquids/fluids that could plausibly be found in a similar situation. I certainly wouldn't call any of those "drinks", as they are far too viscous for that.

Chocolate - regardless of its matter state - is still food. It has valid nutritional content, and exists for the purpose of being consumed by a human digestive system.

@Shinjidude: I think of food as being in a finished, servable state. Sometimes pictures of a bounty of raw ingredients, like a stack of tomatoes, might get a free pass. Condiments, not so much, since no one eats them straight out of the bottle. There are many examples of Valentine's chocolate being prepared in a bowl that I wouldn't consider tagging food.

So far the food tag is being used well, but if we're going to add every minor example of chocolate, honey, or mayonnaise drizzled over someone's breasts as food, we're going to have a dilution problem.

@sgcdonmai: You are the last person I would expect to use the dictionary as an argument.


Dictionary, schmictionary. Chocolate is food. It's meant to be eaten. Having to use a spoon to do so shouldn't make a difference.

There is a difference between food and candy even though both are made to be eaten. I suggest we make a new thread discussing this.

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